Passive aggressive competitive moms are the WORST

Apr 18, 2013 17:03

So this morning I had the pleasure of waking up to yet another passive aggressive text from my mom. She's seriously losing it. Basically when I come home from work, I leave my cell phone in the charger downstairs and don't look at it all night. I value my time with Jordan and really don't need to have my cellphone in front of me all night. No big deal right? Well apparently not when you have a needy needy mother. I guess I didn't respond to her text last night because I didn't see it, as is the norm for evening texts. Well first of all it was an annoying text, she keeps trying to bully me into telling extended family about our growing little family. News flash: I just started telling people this week. It's 5 months until I'm popping them out. No big deal. Also I'm completely exhausted by the time I come home and the last thing I want to do is put on my peppy face to talk to family. I am so excited to tell family and friends, but in my own time and in my own way.
So anyways, I don't respond to this text. Bam. Red alarms went off somewhere. Suddenly I'm "stonewalling" her and she "doesn't know what's happening".
I feel like I would be a little patient or understanding if this wasn't happening at least twice a week lately. This pattern is jot new either... Almost five years ago, about a week before my wedding day, my mom almost didn't come to my wedding because I told my dad that he could drive me to the ceremony instead of her.... That's another long story maybe for another time....
Anyways, my mom is somebody who (1) never has dealt with confrontation in her life in a constructive manner (2) despite being over twenty years since she and my dad divorced, has ridiculous jealousy and competition for attention with him (3) feels entitled to special treatment from everyone. A little childish, and quite honestly, completely frustrating and petty to me. I can't handle it right now.
Jordan accurately summed up how the only thing that has stressed me out in this pregnancy so far has been my mom. She stresses me out even more than the shit OB or the possibility that we might have had the scary twins. I mean, come on. Really???
I have never had a good encounter with her when there is conflict, no matter how reasonable or downplayed you make it. It always blows up and gets made into a way bigger deal than it is, and then it inevitably ends up that I just need to let her cool down because she becomes so irrational that it is not constructive to deal with her, and then it always ends up with her eventually cooling down and acting as if nothing happened. Nothing ever changes. Nothing is ever acknowledged. It's a joke really.
So I'm really struggling with how to address this. Clearly it is not working and she is only going to push us apart even more and it is only going to get more frustrating and stressful and ridiculous if I just let it slide.


On a happier note, I have crocheted 1 of 4 little booties... It took a ridiculous amount of time!! But it's so cute. Something about little booties makes my heart melt a little bit.

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