Nov 15, 2005 10:04

Megan was supposed to get her MMR jab in school yesterday. However,I received a call from the school nurse at 5pm, telling me that Megan did not get her jab. I asked her why and she said she isn't sure as it was the government nurses that administer the jabs. She said it was just written on her form," Refused."

She came home and I asked her why. She said why she must receive so many jabs because she just got her flu jab last month. I told her it is a different jab and this is to prevent Mumps, Measles and Rubella. She started crying and said she didn't want the jab.

This morning, school nurse Annie called me and told me the whole story. 2 nurses tried to hold her down but she struggled too much and they decided not to give her the jab. She certainly didn't tell me the part about 2 nurses holding her down... haha....

Sigh... now I have to bring her to a government hospital for the jab here which I am super reluctant to go to. Does anyone know if I can just bring her back to any polyclinic in Singapore for the MMR jabs?


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