, and getting back up

Feb 02, 2016 21:58

poor lil meg in that last post. i'm feeling a lot better, and i started my period this morning so you gotta know these feelings but be at least a little bit legit. after that guy made me sad i've taken a break from looking completely and came up with my new year's resolution which was no text 2016 meaning i would stop pursuing guys or initiating contact and just living for me 1000% and yo it's only been a few months but i can't believe how much things have changed. i feel fucking happy most days and all the energy i would put into a dude, wasting obsessing negativing etc i use on myself, my friends, and my family. i think it's the most solid advice i could ever give to anyone ever. and what's strange is, guys have been hitting me up. it's fucking weird. the laws of attraction man, i don't get it, i don't know, i swear when i was all thirsty and boy crazy and only thinking about dudes nothing was happening and now dudes are coming out of the wood work, granted some of em are not quite my type of maybe 1 of em is pretty shitty and like a bad person but i'm hey that's weird. also i'm graduating in may ! finally! still exercising, i want to lose 20 more pounds losing weight is hard and a loooooooooooong process. also i started smoking pot before bed and it makes me so happy! i haven't done anything i regret in a longish time, lol. i feel good. also only taking benzos when i'm hungover which is about 1x a week or so. love!
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