May 03, 2011 23:58
Thank you everyone for the birthday wishes! I feel old and odd being 19, but now I think I like the number 19 because it's so unique unlike my life.
I got 2 lightnovel volumes for my birthday. 8D
Bakatest vol 8 and Index vol 23 (THE NEW TESTAMENT YES I FINALLY FOUND IT)!! I'm so happy but I'm afraid I have so much to read and catch up so I can't get to read them for a while. But they look pretty on my bookshelf so I'm happy.
Guys, I can't believe it's May already. The AP tests start next week and I'm not ready for them at all, but ah well, who cares, in a month a bit, I WILL BE GRADUATING HIGH SCHOOL!! 8DDDD
Also, it's so beautiful today and I am so happy, but I don't think I can focus on any school work because SNSD is too cool.