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Jun 10, 2005 12:08

mmmmmmmm beef noodles.

i am so going to live on these next year when i'm in edmonton.

bahahahaha i'm listening to my ipod :] and i just thought velvet revolver was kelly clarkson! oh dear.

i think this is going to be a really random entry, because it's FRIDAY and i am super excited. what a busy night/weekend i have ahead of me though ... yikes. after work i have to go home and load the cr-v up with beer bottles and rename all my scans. shane gets off work at 6, we are bbq-ing hamburgers for supper, then heading out to drop off beer bottles, go to timemasters and pay the mall a visit so i can get the revenge of the sith soundtrack and a couple of new colorful belts. we're hitting the gym [4th night in a row!] then we are heading to booster juice [our healthy alternative to getting smashed at dooly's] for smoothies, then home to hang out and stuff ... i'll probably be uploading some scans while shane reads his comics ;]

tomorrow the society exec [+ shane, he always gets roped into these things] is heading out to petty harbour to pick up a couch, then moving it into the society room. break for lunch + gym, then back around 3ish to re-arrange the room, decorate, vaccuum and stuff. then over to dr. cherwinski's office to finally save these stupid stupid scans on his hard drive. shane's working until 10 tomorrow night, so i'll probably drive my parents around and watch some crazy tv. i finally got my satc seasons 5-6 back this morning, and i have been dying to watch those ... plus all those episodes of lost i have ... plus the oc ... plus SCRUBS!!! wow, tomorrow sounds super exciting [sad, i know, but it does].

i had bloodwork done this morning to see if my iron levels are low again ... it frickin' hurt like a bitch. stupid non-existant veins ... they did manage to get the two vials they needed though so it all worked out well, even though both my arms are hurting now :/

so after my minor purchases tonight, there's only a couple more things i want/need ... haha i always say that. new backstreet boys cd on tuesday!!! it's actually pathetic how ridiculously excited i am for this cd to come out ... i'm such a teeny-bopper at heart. i actually deleted music off my ipod the other day to put more bsb on ... oh, the shame. the other is the book making faces by kevyn aucoin, an amazing [and sadly, deceased] makeup artist. this book is supposed to be the bible for makeup. however, i'm not desperate for this quite yet, so i will probably wait a while before getting it ... and oh yeah, shane and i are pre-ordering our copies of harry potter from amazon this weekend :]

speaking of books, i haven't been getting nearly enough reading [for pleasure] done :[ i get some of my lsat book and the return of martin guerre read at work, which are the important things i guess, but i have at least five new books that i am absolutely dying to read, not including ones i haven't yet purchased, the new harry potter, or the lotr trilogy that i have been meaning to get around to since christmas. oops. lately i've been too tired to read when i go to bed ... i also have about 9384675298364283675 tv shows/movies i want to watch ... i want to watch all of gilmore girls and the l-word, my two new favourite shows. i thought summer was supposed to be relaxing and doing whatever you want huh! while my job is certainly far from stressful, i'm still there till 430ish every day, come home, get supper, hang out for a bit and head to the gym [at least that's been my routine this week]. i think i need to throw some reading into my hanging-out time ... and tv watching ... :] yes i am happier already!

so yeah my health kick is great so far ... it's day 4 and getting easier :] i am actually looking forward to going to the gym tonight, and i've been eating really well all week. i feel better already ... and it's so much easier with shane supporting me because he is doing the same thing too! we rock boyfriend :P

i have a meeting this afternoon! yay! except i don't know where my meeting book is *grumble* because i haven't been to one in about three weeks. i'm sure i'll find it ... anyways yeah i had a meeting with my boss before lunch [he talks a LOT] and it looks like i will actually have real work to do next week ... awesome.

anyways, i really think that's enough babbling for now, though i may add to this later ... i'm off to see if i can get through another chapter of martin guerre before the meeting [seeing's how i have no idea when it is]. au revoir tout le monde et bonne fin de semaine!

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