Stargate: Atlantis: Season 2, eps 1-4

Jul 08, 2008 13:04

I find myself less annoyed non-stop with Sheppard and McKay than I was with large parts of the first season so far.  Then again, there's a new character I find myself hating enough to compensate.  (I swear, if the Daedalus commander/new co-leader makes another patronizing insult of Elizabeth and gets away with know, when people talked to Sam like that in SG-1, they suffered horrible accidents or somehow didn't make it make from a mission or got mass death glares or got exiled to Russia.

2.1: The Siege: Part 3:

You know, I was in my happy, fangirly place until Elizabeth was all “We’re so glad you’re here and blowing things up from the safety of your Asgard-protected spaceship. Listen, our city is being overrun by alien vampires trying to eat us, do you think you could spare a couple men to help us with that?” and the Captain was all “Don’t worry your silly little head about that. Let us men take care of the important stuff, and I’ll send someone to step on that cockroach you’re so scared of later, ok?” And there’s my biggest problem with the show in a nutshell. Elizabeth is a woman and a civilian, so obviously, she can’t be taken seriously and must be shown to not be as good as the military men.

AND FORD! Ford, what are they doing to you? Carson’s a doll and Zelenka amuses me, but you’re the only male I like enough to kinda take the edge off of how much the show’s obsession with how wonderful Sheppard and McKay are annoys me. And show, making your only young, black male an angry, violent drug addict? Pointing his stolen gun at injured men (and Carson!) While demanding his drugs and ranting about how everyone is just jealous of how much better he is now? Not a bright move. (It wouldn’t be so bad if it weren’t stereotypically bad drug addict behavior.)

And WTF was with Sheppard’s “let’s take Earth’s only spaceship and chase down the army of superior alien ships?” And if that wasn’t bad enough, the “it was still the right thing to do” after he almost got them all killed. Yes, it was totally the right thing to do to risk your planet’s only spaceship-the one that has all the information anyone could ever need to FIND your planet- to chase after someone who could kick your butt ten ways to Sunday because you wanted to. That was a bright one on the levels of “oops, I woke up the alien vampires.” But he did have the cute reunion scene with Elizabeth. Also cute were Teyla’s scenes with McKay. The “I thought you were very brave” and “shall I just tell the Wraith you are unavailable for battle?”

2.2: The Intruder

Wow. Six minutes in a Daedalus’s captain is telling Elizabeth to keep her mouth shut unless he gives her permission to speak and follow his orders. And talking about how the chain of command on Atlantis obviously sucks. I can’t tell if he means because she’s in charge, or because she lets people do whatever they want. I wish for him to die now. And they actually made Elizabeth defend Sheppard for his asshattery in the quarantine episode. And this is making me irritated at Landry! Blech. But ever so much pride for Elizabeth for telling Landry and Stupid Captain to shove it up their butts.

Really, though, the episode was basically all about how smart McKay is and how brave Sheppard is. Fortunately, I’m too busy hating the captain (who I seem to recall liking in SG-1) to be annoyed by the shows conviction that those two water on water and fart unicorns. I should probably be upset about Elizabeth’s boyfriend dumping her while she was off world, but they had to get rid of him somehow, and I can at least see where he’s coming from. Of course, it’d be different if we’d actually been given a chance to know him...

Episode needed more Teyla. A lot more. But at least there was an Asgardian.

2.3: Runner:

Any episode that starts with Teyla longing for shiny new weapons and Elizabeth giving McKay a look of disgust has to go well. Deeply disappointed to see that the captain or general or whatever is now in charge.

We think we like the major who had to babysit McKay. Is he worth getting attached to? We also approve of the pretty man with dreads, who we will eventually refer to by name. Despite the fact that he mumbles. And is in desperate need of a bath. He reminds us of a not-evil Ares from Hercules and Xena.

However, weren’t there only a few Wraith active until Sheppard woke them up? There seem to be many active Wraith in the runner equation, especially with the village being wiped out.\

We disapprove of what is being done with our Ford.

2.4: Duet


I like Cadman, but I’m not sure I like them introducing her by having her running around and doing things in McKay’s body without his permission. I feel they should have given us a little time to get to know her first, as much as I appreciate the fact that it drove McKay crazy. I also now see where the “my fandom has canon slash” icon comes from. Not sure it counts when it’s a woman kissing her crush while in someone else’s body and everyone knows who’s doing the kissing and the person who owns the body wants to die for it, though. Cadman and Carson should date now, if only for the potential cute.  Also glad to see the psychologist from s1 back again.

I continue to approve of the pretty man in dreads, despite the overwhelmingly alpha tendencies. I’d probably be irritated by his being dismissive of Elizabeth, except that he’s the same or moreso with Sheppard, and the only one he really bothers to be polite to and acts like he respects is Teyla. Possibly because he doesn’t know if he can take her if she doesn’t get sidetracked and assume he knows the match is over when your partner stops fighting you to talk to someone else.

tv: stargate

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