movies: The Black Swan and Ghost in the Shell: Solid State Society

Jul 18, 2007 23:32

The Black Swan is an old pirate movie with Maureen O'Hara and Tyrone Power that I've had for ages but just now got around to watching.  It was quite fun, and about as far from and Errol Flynn swashbuckler as you can get(not that those aren't extremely fun.  Unlike Flynn's stalwart and true, dashing and noble pirates, Jamey Boy is a rogue with nothing resembling finesse and the bulk of his charm comes from the fact that his earnestness is combined with a complete lack of social skills.  There are no "Ha Has" and inspiring speeches from Jamey Boy, just loyalty and a determination to win his lady's heart, even though he questions his sanity in wanting said heart.  Jamey Boy, while still rather sanitized, is also far closer to being a pirate than any character Flynn ever played, and actually IS a pirate of his own volition, as opposed to being betrayed into being a pirate.  And Maureen O'Hara...well, i love Olivia de'Haviland, but while she's "spirited" Margaret is a pure spitfire...Jamey Boy falls for her when she bites him when he steals a kiss.  Where most heroines will protest and shy away, Margaret carries a pistol(and never once lets up on Jamey Boy for taking it away from her) tricks him into a false sense of security and then bashes him over the head with a rock, tears the hide off his superior who (rightly) thinks Jamey Boy kidnapped her and wants to punish him suitably, and when Jamey Boy leaves his sickbed before she thinks he's ready, she follows him out on deck and tears into him.  While I love Flynn's(and others') pirate movies, this was a very fun, refreshing change.

Ghost in the Shell: Solid State Society is a sequel to the two Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex series, set several years later and 2 year after Major Kusanagi leaves the force.  To avoid getting too far into it as I don't know how many on the flist plan to watch it and don't want spoilers(not revealing any important facts that aren't on the DVD cover) but the polt is normal GITS cyber noir.  It's interesting seeing the characters...most are largely the same as they were before, just grimmer(except Batou, whose life seems devoted to figuring out how to get The Major back on the force) though it was slightly disconcerting at first to see Togusa no longer being "the kid" and in a position of greater authority(short haired Batou was also something to get used to, but in a much smaller, less noticable way.)  Anyway, very good movie, and I doubt anyone who's only seen the other movies but not the series would have trouble following it(IIRC, the second movie didn't exactly follow the first, either)

And for 2 small Batou asides:

1)  He makes Togusa's daughter look like a teeny china doll(in the same way my brother turns my nephew from a good sized kid into a shrimp)

2) He really needs to work on his tendency to try to protect the major from anything and everything, even though she doesn't need it(hey, it may be among his most endearing traits, but it's not exactly smart of him...)

Sole downside:  The Tachikomas returned.  They're like cockroaches.  At least, unlike so very many manga/anime kids, they actually serves a purpose.  They're just annoying.

kingcrankycat assures me that I am delusional in thinking there was a plot variation in the first 2 GITS movies(ok, the delusional part is my phrasing, certainly not his) with the only plot variation in any GITS being The Major's final fate at the end of the first movie.  It's probably just the huge upgrade in animation between the two movies that throws me.

anime, anime: ghost hunt, movies

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