
Aug 04, 2012 14:50

Continuum 1.9: This show has now thoroughly confused me by actually being pretty good instead of just fun for two episodes in a row.

So, unless I'm misremembering, Kiera's suit didn't have that cleavage before Alec got ahold of it? (Alec, it's a supersuit, snipping away some fabric makes it less effective!)

Good job getting your father killed there, Julian. So, I guess Kagami trains Julian and then Julian trains Kagami in turn? And...it apparently already happened to some degree? I'm thinking this is actually at least the second timeline that people have travelled through, or at least that Kiera and Kagami have, given that old!Alec seemed to know what was happening. (Also, when I was thinking a while back that this was all some decades old fight between Alec and Julian, this...wasn't what I had in mind.)

You know, much as I liked Kiera dealing without her tech, I'm glad she's supercop again. (And her fangirlin horses/the outdoors was great.) I wonder if Carlos is going to remember what she told him, or pass it off as a delusion. And I...have no idea what to make of that last scene with Kellogg and Kiera. I...I admit that her killing his sister (or being part of the team...I'm not sure if it was clear if she actually was the killer or not) adds a twisted substitution element to the relationship that makes me more open to shipping (well, I kinda did already but in a platonic way with the whole "only other like me" thing that he was talking about making them be stuck together, as opposed to wanting any romantic of sexual interest.)

Covert Affairs 3.4:

Farewell, Parker. I new you wouldn't stick around too long but I thought it'd be longer than this. (Also wow, Auggie is a rather depressing drunk.)

I'm not surprised Lena is sending Annie back to Joan (Well, kinda. I was thinking she had some other plan for Annie?), but I'm hoping she isn't gone now. I'm somewhat hopeful that Annie and Simon's relationship might actually become something real? But it probably won't. Sad, because they have good chemistry and even if they're both conning the other (though hoe much he's conned is questionable) they seem to mostly be interacting with their normal personalities. Barring the international criminal thing with him. (Though I half think he's going to end up being a deep cover agent or something.)

Uhm...I like Agent Wasabi (His name probably isn't actually spelled like that...)? I hope he and Annie kiss and make up (Figuratively speaking.) because I like their dynamic.

Political Animals 1.3: Why can't this show be ongoing instead of a miniseries? I want to keep it in my life a bit longer.

I "aww" at Bud's near-obsessive devotion (emotionally, at least) to Elaine the way the show wants me to, but refuse to want them to get back together (which the show also wants me to do, I think) because, well, he's a philandering lech and will remain a philandering lech until he either dies or is no longer able to chase after anything that's a consenting adult, biologically female, and reasonably attractive. (And for all we know, only the first is set in stone. And that one I'm only sure about because I'm pretty sure they wouldn't still exPect us to like him if they threw pedophilia in the mix with him.) I loved hearing him call the media on double standards during Elaine's first campaign, but am undecided as to what I think about the revelation that he did it to piss people off so that he'd be blamed for her loss because he knew she would.

BUT! MORE IMPORTANTLY! Vanessa Redgrave was there are Elaine's out lesbian supreme court justice mentor! (And thankfully helping to balance out TJ's plot when it comes to queer representation. TJ's plot is realistic as far as it goes, but it's kind of a case of "all the reasonably realistic plot you could have gone with for a centraL queer character, and that's the one you choose..." And Elaine and Susan were back to cat-and-mouse-frenemies-bordering-on-friends games. (And I wonder if Elaine knows Doug is feeding Susan information?) The series better end with them as allies, and not back on the antagonistic track. And I liked Elaine scenes with her mother a lot. A LOT GUYS. EVEN WHEN THEY WERE FIGHTING.

I'm kind of annoyed by Susan sleeping with her cheating ex (though the parallels there with Elaine and Bud increase the Elaine/Susan parallels, and Elaine sleeping with Bud didn't bug me? I guess because I think there's much less threat of Elaine taking Bud back) but like that she's taking Georgia under her wing a bit, and have hopes there.

Also, I'm glad Annie and TJ apparently do/did get along. I wasn't sure in episode 2, but I guess Annie was very peeved at having her sexcapades with Doug interrupted. (Doug seems to be very, err, vigorous.) Though I suspect another 2 years of TJ's issues and Doug always bailing him out may have added some strain there. (I get the feeling TJ showing up at their place completely stoned, or Doug having to go get him because he's wandering the streets high and Doug is #1 on speeddial and he needs rescuing is...pretty common.)

Sinbad 1.4:

So, way back when, the kingdom of black people was being destroyed so the white deity stepped in to save them as long as they sacrificed a pretty young black woman to him every generation?

I'll just forget that plotline ever existed now, I think.  (I mean, I'm glad the episode itself was about rejecting that tradition, but still...)

Until then and excepting that, it was a fun episode. And I guess this confirms that Cook is somehow linked to the ship? Also, Taryn was hotter than she should be while descerating graves.

White Collar 4.4:

My main coherent thought is SARA!!!!!! SARA!!!! SARAAAAAAAA!!!

I have no idea if they plan to bring Sophie back, but if so, I'm glad she learned at least some of the truth about Neal upfront. Urm, not sure about the "playboy Neal" thing they seem to be going for this season? Mostly because, while I can see the argument, it doesn't really fit for me with his earlier characterization? (Also, one of the reasons I liked him at first was that he did all the charming conartist stuff but DIDN'T sleep with all the women around while running scams.

Also, metanarratively, the show seems to still be going for Sara/Neal as end game and I'm going to be really bugged if we get Sara waiting (though I don't think she is) for Neal to finish sowing his wild oats (or whatever) until he decides to settle down and she's conveniently there. Though I'm REALLY hopeful that she and Neal might look for her sister.

Very not thrilled that they're probably killing Ellen.

(But I really did spend most of the episode internally going "SARAAAAAAAA!!!!")

I'm also watching 2 airing jdramas that I keep meaning to post on but forgetting to. Naniwa Shounen Tanteidan is a comedy/mystery series about a 6th grade teacher who solvs crimes with the aid of 4 of her students and, sometimes, 2 police officers (one of whom inevitably has a crush on her, and is essentially a human teddy bear) who might be the only jdrama police officers allowed to be good cops without the series actuslly being about police officers. It's adorably and giddy and fluffy depsite having a plot that repeatedly exposes 12 year olds to dangerous criminals, dead bodies, and random other trauma. (Admittedly, most of it ends up not being as bad as initially believed.) It's delightful to watch but doesn't look to really do anything revolutionary. Rich Man Poor Woman, OTOH, is utterly addictive and reminds me of a lot of the jdramas from around the late 90s-2005, which I watched at about the rate of a drama a week for months when I started watched doramas in I think early 2006 (it was shortly after the first Hana Yori Dango and before the second was announced.) RMPW is half romantic comedy and half office drama, about Hyuga Tohru, an eccentric and abrassive near-genius who runs and IT firm and has a medical condition that prevents him from remembering most nams a faces, and Sawaki Chihiro, a college student with near-perfect memorization skills who has difficulty with social andp rofessional situations. She also happens to share a name with Hyuga's mother. There's lots of Drama and Shock Reveals that alternately make you go "...what...?" and "THIS DRAMA!" and they regularly consult shoujo manga (there's literally a scene where Sawaki is drunk and sees Hyuga in a cloud of sparkles) and I'm pretty sire they polled Oguri Shun fans to see what they wanted him to do if he was ever the lead in a romance drama. There's also a female romantic rival who seems to think "romantic rival" means "future BFF who thinks you're absolutely adorable" based on their interactions so far. It's utterly addictive. I should warn, though, that whoever does the women's hair in this should never be allowed near hair again. There are times when I think they're actively trying to make very attractive women look plain by bad hair alone.

NST has 5 episodes out, but only 4 have subs, and RMPW has 4 episodes currently out, all with subs.

tv: continuum, jdrama: naniwa shounen tanteidan, tv: political animals, tv: white collar, jdrama: rich man poor woman, tv: sinbad, tv: covert affairs

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