Game of Thrones 1.3-1.5 + upcoming fairy tale mashups

May 17, 2011 22:59

I am now ready for the deaths of the following characters:  Viserys, Joffrey, Robert, Baelish and Theon.

I am saddened that they won't all die.

In general, I like the showm but don't have a lot to say?  I think because most of my thoughts center around upcoming book bits.

Some comments:

1.  Loras makes me giggle.  I'm sorry, but it's true.
2.  I like Robb more than in the books.  Or rather, I never really noticed him as much there.
3.  On a similar vein, I highly approve of the added Cersei scenes, though I think they're trying to soften her, and I'm not sure how I feel about that. 
4.  I think they're doing better with Cat and Dany now, which pleases me.  Still not sure about how tghey're writing Sansa.
5.  I...can't help but wonder if they're having Tyrion fancy Cat or something?  At least, I don't remember thinking anything like that at all in the books, but the show keeps emphasizing how much he esteems her, and the way they completely cut any reaction from her to the "if only she were willing" line makes it seem less like hassling her and closer to the wistful end of the spectrum.
6.  Ned in court is kinda...100% stark, including some mannerisms.
7.  Cat and Tyrion have the best "Help!  I'm in Bedlam!" faces.
8.  I can't help but think thathaving Baelish tell Sansa about Sandor's past instead of Sandor himself is an indicator that they're going to be changing that plotline up a bit.  IIRC, Sansa is actually the first person he ever told about that?

Also, is anyone else looking forward to NBC's Grimm and ABC's Once Upon A Time fairy tale mashup series?

I suspect Grimm will be more popular, but Once Upon A Time looks way more fun to me.

Once Upon A Time is about a modern town where many/all residents are fairy tale characters who have a spell cast on them that makes them forget who they are.  (The villain appears to be the stepmother from "Snow White," but I get a feel of a campy Maleficient from the trailer and a clip I saw.)  The main character is identified as "Emma Swann" (said several times in the tailer) and is apparently a fairy tale character herself, but doesn't know who she is.  Several characters are identified as their fairy tale counterparts in the trailer, but I can't tell if it'll be Grimm tales only, or if there will be others too.

Grimm is about a descendant of Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm who takes up the family tradition of fighting evil creatures from fairy tales.  Which sounds cool, excepot that from the trailer, proagonists and antagonists both are all men, and women are all victims.  Except the token elderly female relative who tells him about his destiny and dies.  I'll check it out in hopes that I'm wrong (because I really hope I am), but based on the trailer, I suspect I'll be happier rewatching Red: Werewolf Hunter or Brothers Grimm for that.  But i'm looking forward to finding out if I'm right or wrong.

(I saw trailers for both in a community, and am not sure where they got them from.)

Also, I understand there are two "Snow White" movies coming up?  That plus Red Riding Hood and Disney doing fairy tale movies is a lot of fairy tale stuff these days.  Not that I object in the least.

tv: game of thrones, tv: once upon a time, tv: grimm

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