(no subject)

Jun 27, 2004 23:26

Friday I went to my moms, dropped Grace off and went to see my new chiropractor. I know a lot of people think they are all quacks but not me. I always feel better after I see one. Anyway, he realigned my spine and neck (which really needed it) and my feet. Spent the rest of the afternoon with Mom then went home, sans Gracie D.

I saw one of those Little Tykes play houses for sale down the street for $25.00 so I forced Jeff to go with me to buy it. Steal of the century! Yay! Then we went to a Brockton Rox (?) baseball game. It was fun, I have never been to a ball game other than little league. Jeff caught a ball but gave it away to a little kid, how nice of him. We ate all bad foods and loved every minute of it. I had been fighting a headache all day and it caught up with me on the ride home so I went to bed almost immediately.

Saturday we went to Newport where I met with Jen, my new tattoo artist. Yes, that's right. I am FINALLY getting my sleeve done. We went over what I am looking to get done. She's super nice and very talented. She is going to draw up the design and email it to me when she is done and we will go from there. According to her, it's a pretty big piece and should take about 6-8 hours. So 3-4 sessions at 2 hours per session. Ugh. I don't mind the pain but it's over an hour away so the drive will not be fun. I am wicked excited. I have wanted this piece done for years. Yay for me. And YAY for Jeff for forking over the buckage. Love ya, Baby!

Went to Moms after Newport and hung out with Mom and Bob for the day. Grace was excellent for them, which is good to hear. We went on a quick boat ride before dinner. They have a pontoon boat...you know, the "party boats" with the platform? Anyway, we all went for the ride, so there were 4 adults, Grace, their 2 Airedales and our 2 Bostons. And we got caught in a downpour. Not your average downpour, either. I mean a DOWNPOUR. It seriously rained for less than 10 minutes but we got over an inch of rain. And we were out in the thick of it. The roof of the boat did little to protect us. Poor Grace freaked out and it didn't help that her father was freaking out as well. Trying to calm down a baby who HATES cold water is not easy but when there is a grown man freaking out...not pretty. Anyway, we got back home safe and sound and had a very yummy dinner. It was sunny out right after the storm. Weird weather we've been having lately.

Went to the in-laws today. Actually had a nice time. I think my MIL is trying to be good so that's a bonus.

I am determined to lose some weight. I had lost 11 pounds last fall but gained it all back at Christmas. I feel like shit about it and I can barely look at myself in the mirror. Not that I was ever a fan of what I looked like but it's really gross now. I should be ashamed. So I will eat better foods, cut back on the crap, eat less, and will walk at least 3 times a week but hopefully more. I don't want to diet but I need to do something. I think just being more aware of what I am shoving down my throat and getting some exercise will really make a difference. I'm hoping, anyway.

Leanne, I cannot meet up Friday. :( I have another chiropractor appointment. Call me.

Hope everyone is doing well. Wish you all were closer, I need more friends.

weather, leanne, grace, family, doctor, tattoo, beauty

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