Title: Gossip
Chapter: Lee
Characters/Pairings: Lee, Kara; Kara/Lee
Spoilers/Warning: R
Summary: “Three may keep a secret, if two of them are dead.” Benjamin Franklin - Secrets spread quickly around Galactica… Here’s how.
Disclaimer: All television shows, movies, books, and other copyrighted material referred to in this work, and the characters, settings, and events thereof, are the properties of their respective owners. As this work is an interpretation of the original material and not for-profit, it constitutes fair use. Reference to real persons, places, or events are made in a fictional context, and are not intended to be libelous, defamatory, or in any way factual.
Author’s Note:
Major Lee Adama was not a stalker. Well, he wasn't usually a stalker. At the moment, however, he was following around a certain Kara Thrace in an attempt to understand what was going on. So far he'd followed her to the head, to the mess, to her bunk, and back to the head. He was just edging around a corner when he came face to face with his prey.
"Eh," Lee eep’ed and took a step backwards. "I didn't see you there Starbuck."
"You didn't?" Kara asked, raising an eyebrow. "Hm, how could you have missed me? You've only followed me for the past three hours."
"I just wanted to see how you were doing," said Lee nonchalantly. "I mean, seeing as you are the mother of my child."
Kara blinked and then grabbed him by the ear and pulled him into a conveniently placed storage closet. She flipped on the light and glared at him. "Who told you?"
"So it's true?" Lee's eyes widened and his mouth fell open.
"I'll frakking kill Helo," Kara swore. "It was him wasn't it?"
Lee's legs began to shake. Taking a step back, he sat down on an overturned bucket. "You're really pregnant?"
"I am," Kara said quietly, her eyes downcast. "I really am."
Lee opened his mouth, but shut it quickly.
"Promise you won't hit me?" Lee asked, inching his bucket backwards. Kara crossed her arms, but nodded. "Are you sure this kid's mine?"
Her hand shot out on reflex and slapped him upside the head.
"Hey!" Lee rubbed the back of his head where she hit him. "It's just the whole Anders factor."
"You are such an ass Lee Adama," Kara said through clenched teeth. "Sam and I haven't even gone as far as heavy petting since this started. Of course you're the father.” She frowned and muttered, “Though I never wanted you to find out."
"Why not?" Lee asked, offended. "Hot Dog thinks I'll make an excellent father."
"I never said you wouldn't," Kara said. "And how the hell does Hot Dog know anyway?"
"Apparently I was the last one on the ship to find out," Lee said with a shrug.
"So that was why Dee hijacked the intercom," Kara said to herself. "She's going to kill you, you know?"
Lee nodded and sighed. "So what are we supposed to do now?"
"Well you can keep doing your everyday duties while I'm grounded and sentenced to paperwork," Kara said dully. "Gods I wish men could get pregnant."
"I mean, what do we do about us?" Lee asked, standing up.
"What is there to do?" Kara asked, her heart beginning to race at Lee's closeness. Small closets were not a good place to have these kinds of conversations. "We're both still married to other people."
"You're carrying my child Kara," Lee said. He reached out and softly grasped her upper arms. "I know I messed up by turning you down that last time." He took a deep breath. "I still love you."
"Say the word and I'll make sure that I'm no longer in a marriage," he told her. "Just say the word Kara."
"Lee," she repeated, a bit more exasperated.
"I want to raise our child together," Lee said, smiling. "I want us to be a family."
"We never work Lee," Kara said, smiling at his words though she was shaking her head.
"That's because we never give ourselves a chance to," Lee said. He slid his hand down to her stomach. "Gives us a chance."
"I'm going to have mood swings," Kara stated after a few moments of silence. "And my feet will be swollen so you'll have to rub them. Every night."
Lee grimaced. "Your feet are infamously disgusting."
She gave him a warning look.
"And I'll need sex on a regular basis for exercise," Kara said matter-of-factly.
"I think I can help you with that one," Lee said, grinning. "But you have to do me one favor."
"What's that?"
"Please have a boy." Lee looked at her pleadingly. "I can't deal with having a teenage daughter running around on a ship that's seventy percent male."