Because there’s always time for ponies!
I just added a new version of ponifed Megamind to my DA page. So, you can check that out if you like.
More importantly, though… I wish to have a conversation about the possibilities for this kind of thing.
Spoiler Warning! Under the cut there WILL be details about the Return of Harmony two-parter. …There will also be talk of ponies. So non-bronies/pegasisters, be on your marry way. :-)
First off, I have an idea about how the main storyline would be altered a bit. I mean, I’m sure there would be other changes, too, but whatever.
Point is, Megamind, at the start of the movie, does not have his cutie mark. One could argue that his talent is inventing and he’s already got his cutie mark. I love that idea, really, but hear me out.
Part of his motivation for destroying Metro Man and taking over Metrot City (Yes, I know, the pun is horrible, but come on, so is Canterlot or Manehattan,) is that he hopes that becoming the city’s evil overlord will be his special talent and he’ll finally earn his cutie mark. Then, of course, he defeats Metro Man (whose name will probably have to be changed, actually,) and nothing happens. His hopes for earning his cutie mark wear off around the same time he starts feeling melancholy.
Guess what happens at the end, when he discovers his talent is actually being a hero? Yep, cutie mark! Yay!
Meanwhile, I guess Minion would have had his from almost the very beginning, since he’s known his entire life that his talent is looking after Megs. Would also explain the fight, since you know what happens when a pony goes against their talent and/or element. Symptoms include, depression, anger, and insanity.
Speaking of elements, you know what question always comes up when you ponify somebody? “What would happen if they got Discorded?”
Here’s how I see it. Discord doesn’t turn you into the polar opposite of yourself; he takes your element, your best trait, and reverses it.
Megamind, if he had an element, would be the element of Perseverance (or Determination or Tenacity or whatever you want to call it.)
Minion would be Selflessness.
(The others, like Roxanne, boggle my mind. I have no idea what their elements would be. I could use some help there.)
Therefore, if Discord get involved, Megamind would become… Hopelessness or Spinelessness, or Not-even-tryingness or something… Minion would become Selfishness. (Could argue that’s what happened to Metro Man, but the only thing gray about him is his hair, so…)
Luckily, they’d probably be pretty easy to snap out of it. And once they do, I pity Discord… XD
So, thoughts? Suggestions? Offers of collaboration?