Midnight mass last night was pretty fun. The church was semi-full... as in, fuller than on a normal weekend mass, but not full enough that they had to open the hall in the back of the altar for people to sit back there. The best part; however, was the lack of children. <3 I think the youngest people I saw were probably about 14 years old, it was
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Clothes.... Someone is happy to get new clothes?... Ok... XD
And OMG! Mario Kart DS! We need to race one day XD. I need someone else to beat me (since I tend to lose XD). And your sister got a Black DSLite?... Why is everyone but me getting a Black DSLite?
You were right, you did get them lotto tickets. XD
And it's ok, sometimes you just get unlucky. XD
Wait a sec, you traded a Starbuck's card with Kellie? Does this mean she drinks coffee? XD
I'm a girl though! XD And besides, there really wasn't any one thing I really wanted this year.
Yes, we will race one day. Just give me some time to beat all the levels and stuff first seeing as I've only had it for a day now. XD; I'm usually decent at Mario Kart games, so I think I actually do have a shot at beating you. XD And yes she did. I don't have a black one though! Mine's obviously pink... XD
I knew I'd get them... but I never imagined my sister winning $50 on one of them. XD; It's okay though, we're sharing the money~
And no... well she might, I dunno. There's this one drink there that she likes, but she gets it without coffee. Whatever, I have little use for a Starbuck's gift card.
There's some kids I know that I can.... well do without (I got cousins that love to be loud and stuff. But all I got to do is bust their butt, I can't do that to other kids XD), it's bad but yea. XD
I knew that... Yea I did XD. Well I'm pretty sure you wanted a new laptop and you got that too (even if you didn't get it for Christmas).
YAY, now we can race and see how fast I lose XD. Someone needs to make Matt get a DS and MKDS too, that way we can beat him XD. Black DSLite > Pink DSLite *Nods nods*. XD
If I was her I'd go get a game, because I sort of remember someone saying "I wouldn't let my sister barrow any money."......... *gets killed by a rock* XD
Don't they got other things at Starbuck's other then coffee? XD
Yea, I want it. XD
I'm sure you're not that much worse than me, if at all. I raced my sister today, and she beat me more times than I beat her. <<; And the pink one is more awesome than the ugly black one and you know it. ;_;
Well technically she is going to get a game with it. We're going to pool all our money together to eventually buy a Wii, so yeah.
And yes they do, but there's still really nothing at Starbuck's I'd want. I don't really ever have time to go there anyway.
And... where the hell did that statement come from? I never once mentioned snow in this LJ entry... XD
Just till you race online... XD
And no, the Black DSLite looks better. But if I can then I'll be getting this DSLite...
OMG! Yea, that one is the one I want.... Not kidding. XD
Oh, going to get a Wii. Maybe by time you get all the money together they'll have them in store where you don't have to wait inline early in the morning.
You don't have the time to go there but she does? Hm... strange... She wouldn't happen to be older then you would she? XD
I don't know... Maybe a ghost put it in. XD
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