Like the title says, who wants a postcard when I go on my vacation next week? I love writing them, so if you really do want one, let me know~
Anyways, I babysat today... they did puzzles all afternoon. Yup, yup. I got paid. <3 And now I don't have to babysit for two weeks~! Yay. =D
Kellie and I walked home from their house and when we got home we were surprised to see my cousins in out house. o_o; I haven't seen them in forever~! So we ate burgers, watched Seinfeld because Craig doesn't get those channels and wanted to watch it. Then we played Goldeneye... and Justin beat our asses... bad. ><; He cheats, somehow. It's not fair! ;_;
xx.Do you enjoy depressing music? Sometimes
xx.What makes you sigh? I dunno... I don't really think about it O_o;
xx.How many hours a day, on average, do you spend feeling sorry for yourself? It varys depending on the day
xx.Who or what always brings you down? Being alone <<;
xx.Do you wear glasses? Nope
xx.What frightens you? Being alone and death
xx.Do you wear sweaters all the time? No... sometimes in the winter though
xx.What annoys you? Lots of little things annoy me ><;
xx.How many times has your heart been broken? Zero... maybe once
xx.What do you think of Dashboard Confessional? I only know one song by them, but okay XD
xx.Tell me about that time you broke that law! O_o; Only one time? XD
xx.What or who pisses you off? I'm in too perky a mood to think about what pisses me off~
xx.Would you rather date a sissy or a homebody? O_o; Homebody
xx.Sex or drugs or breaking stuff? Breaking stuff? o_o;
xx.The Clash or The Ramones? Neither
xx.What do you think about Anarchy? Government is a good thing
xx.Tell me about a prank you played! I'm bad at pranking people... XD
xx.Do you do things that are "bad for your body"? Not really, nope
xx.How many times have/were you kicked out of that place?! O_o;
xx.Are you in trouble all the time? Nope, I'm a good girl. ^^
xx.Do you want to die? No I <3 living~
xx.What do you think about graveyards? I dunno... I haven't been to one in a while, but they're sacred grounds... yet, kinda freaky on Halloween
xx.Do you write poetry often? I can't ><;
xx.How much black clothing do you own? Not a lot
xx.What type of makeup do you wear? None usually *is lazy* Sometimes lipgloss or a little eyeshadow or whatnot
xx.What do you think about pain? I don't like it? XD
xx.Masochism or sadism? Sadism? >D Er, neither~
xx.How do you feel about the rest of the world? It's a mess o_o;
xx.Do you cry often? Not really
xx.What do you think about vampires? Dracula XD
xx.How messy are you in general? Haha, VERY messy XD
xx.Do you bang your head on things repeatedly? Not particularly, no
xx.What do you think of mullets? Ugly
xx.When did you start drinking alchohol? Technically when I was like, 3 XD;
xx.Do you go to concerts often? I've gone to three, ever
xx.What bands rock your pants off? o_o;
xx.What do you think about violence? Violence is bad XD
xx.Who or what makes you homicidal? No one/thing
xx.Worship Satan or practice black magic? Neither...
xx.How wild are you in general? Not very
xx.Are you wearing any clean clothes right now? Surprisingly, yes XD
xx.How often do you do the laundry? Er... a couple times a month XD
xx.Do you wear flannel shirts a lot? Not ever
xx.When was the last time you showered? Yesterday
xx.Do you speak clearly? Not really... I talk reallyreallyreally fast o_o;
xx.Are you a lazy person? Yesh <3
xx.Do you play any instruments? I used to play the flute
xx.Who or what do you rant about a lot? I rant about nothing... literally XD
xx.Empathy or Sympathy? Empathy
xx.What do you think about Nirvana? Meh, I listen to country music XD
xx.What makes you different from the rest of them? Nothing XD
xx.Who or what makes you bitter? Nothing really
xx.What was the last big decision you made? What to eat for dinner XD
xx.Are you a happy-go-lucky type of person? Yep ^^
xx.What do you think about conformity? Eh...
xx.How hard do you work to get what you want? As hard as I have to
xx.What do you resent? A lot of things
xx.Why might some people consider you to be an asshole? They shouldn't ;_;
xx.Do you trust others? Yep
xx.Are you a loyal friend? Yes
xx.Do you live in the ghetto? Haha, the very ghetto suburb of Wethersfield, CT
xx.Have you ever even held a gun before? Nope
xx.How much bling do you own? I ish poor XD
xx.Would you rather have your best friend be a wangsta or a wigga? Neither~
xx.Would you rather be bustin' caps or rollin' joints? Again, neither XD
xx.Big butts or big boobs? Again... XD
xx.What's your best pickup line? o_o;
xx."Fo' Sho" or "Yeah, son"? Oh, God... Ivan <<;
xx.What race are most of your friends? Caucasian
xx.Ever been to prison? No o_o;
xx.Who or what makes you so excited you piss your pants? WATER~!!! O_o;
xx.Prep or Yuppie? I suppose stereotypically I'm a yuppie <<;
xx.How much money do you spend on bad music? Yeah, like I have money to waste
xx.Justin Timberlake or Nick Carter? Eww ><;
xx.Do you like mainstream music? Mainstream COUNTRY music, yes <3
xx.Do you want to be a pop diva? No
xx.How many times, on average, do you say "like" in a sentence? Haha, probably a lot
xx.OMIGOD or OMG? OMFG~!!!
xx.Ditzy or just plain stupid? Both XD