Aug 10, 2005 00:09
I finally went to go see it today~! =D Although, I was against going to see it at first... but Kevin convinced me to go. So today I took my sister and we went to see it. Never fail... EVERY time we go to see a movie, we get stuck with an obnoxious group of peope who don't know how to shut the hell up during a movie. <<; One of the guys was even on his cell through the whole thing. Why pay $9.75 to go to a movie if you're just gonna talk through it!? *sigh*
The movie was awesome though~! <3 Although, I still like the original better. I haven't seen that in years so tomorrow I plan on watching it again so I can make comparisons between the two. The new one sure changed a bunch of stuff. But it was still good, nonetheless~
And it was the first time I've ever driven all the way to the movie theater! =o I feel special now~