Lately I've just been having really bizarre dreams. Two nights ago my dream had me in the backyard of a friends house at a small get together, a bbq of some sort. The yard was a huge field, grassy hills for miles behind the house and we were all watching the beautiful sunset when all of a sudden in front of us we heard a horrible BOOM and I saw what resembled an atomic bomb blowing up and then watched in horror as the shock wave came towards us. I just remember slowing turning over on my stomach putting my arms over my head and thinking, oh my god I'm about to die, then feeling my body burn to a crisp. Yay.
The dream lassssst night was a little nicer. Kind of.
I was at a Pete Yorn Concert. And dream Neil Diamond (didn't look like him) was opening up for him. I was backstag and Pete was rehearsing to a small group of girls sitting on a staircase. I quickly ran to the bathroom, refreshed my make up and came back to take a listen with the other girls. And that's when it happened. Our eyes met. And Pete started to sing to me.
It went completely retarded after that. Pete took a huge interest in me after his serenade, took my hand and we started walking. We ended up in some food store, but it was closed and dark. And had a really long meat isle.
He talked to me about dating and how cute he thought I was. Then he led me to my favorite new place that I am so shocked doesn't really exist. I just cant believe I came up with this all by myself in a dream...anyways. He took me toooo.... The Tomato Shed!
Yes ! The Tomato shed! This was a two story shed filled with tomatoes and an elevator in the middle. He brought me in the elevator where we made out only for the doors to open and what was in front of us?? More tomatoes! We spent a lot of time in this tomato shed, talking and laughing. I was Killing him with my humor and he was falling more in love with me.
Until it happened. Yes. This is the bitter part. This is the Part that moved in slow motion. In the middle of our laughter and love Pete turned to me. And in horror I heard the words...slowly... loudly....clearly I watched and listened as he spoke...
"You're make up is messed up. You need to reapply it".
My WHAT??!?!? MY MAKEUP IS MESSED UP?!?!?!?NOooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!! Pete has been staring at my messed up make up face this whole time?!?!? How did I missapply?? Did I missapply it? Or was it the moisture from this damn Tomato shed that messed it up!!
It was here that my insecurities got the best of me. And that I became unattractive to Pete. Suddenly he was so concerned about getting back to his concert. Suddenly he was so worried about the cleaning lady who could catch us together in the food store and tell the press. Suddenly Pete...was so over me. The dream ended with me joining my mom in the swimming pool that was conviently built on the stage and watching sadly what could have been my new boyfriend, sing to all the other girls. He never made eye contact with me again.