Jul 20, 2009 15:53

(Not actually spoilery, I don't think.)  Sorry to those who enjoyed it or who would rather I not use profanity, but...

I believe that was the shittiest adaptation I've ever seen.

I believe they kept about three lines unchanged from the book.  Beyond those, they did everything from change the dialogue in a scene, to the location, the people present, to just omitting the entire scene altogether and making up new ones.  They left out HUGE, MASSIVE chunks of material and replaced it with hormonal awkwardness and TOTALLY MADE UP SHIT.  What the hell was with that opening?  What the hell was with that ending?  I swear, every 5 to 30 seconds I was mouthing "WHAT MOVIE IS THIS SUPPOSED TO BE?" and seriously considering shouting it to the screen.  (I have a sneaking suspicion that everything they omitted somehow saved them money.)

Not to mention, they continued the horrible acting.  And half of that, on the part of the adult actors, I believe was a mistake in directing.  EVERY SINGLE villain spoke so slowly I was bored to tears.  I was checking my watch constantly.  H. B. Carter?  You were wasted on that role, honey.  Stick to Tim's work.  Mr. Rickman?  I feel so sad that they made you do all of that.  I do believe you did the best you could.  In fact, I believe the only subtlety to be found amongst the actors was in the boy(s) they found to be Riddle.  (And a smidgen in, of all people, Malfoy, but only a smidgen.)  And once again, the choice of Mr. Broadbent (who I like) as Slughorn was a predictable use of a seasoned reliable actor on hand rather than an actor who actually fit the role as described.  I've always wondered how much of this Rowling is really alright with.

If I had not read the book, I might have okayed it.  But as it is...

Sorry, but that was most certainly NOT The Half-Blood Prince.  That was someone who'd read the book once when it came out, forgot about it for a few years, then decided to make a movie about it without reopening it, and just bullshitting all the parts they forgot.  And I believe it is an enormous testament to the quality of storytelling that rereading the 6th book still made me cry over Dumbledore (even though I think he did everything wrong and already knew I stopped liking him in the end) while the movie did nothing at all.  In fact, I believe every moment of pathos in that film was destroyed for readers by the fact that they changed everything around.  You watched puzzled, not sympathetic.

As a side note, I kept getting the impression that Rupert Grint (Ron) is growing up to look like the young Michael Crawford.  I doubt he possesses any similar musical talents, however.

(Also, having to see the trailer for the second craptastic Twilight movie - at which I laughed, sitting by myself in an uncrowded theater - was worth it for getting to see the Sherlock Holmes trailer.)

Er... the end.  I didn't mean to say all that.  All I meant to say was "that was the shittiest adaptation I've ever seen" and be done with it.  But things came to mind, and... well, that's what journals are for.

harry potter

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