Random Update

Jul 07, 2009 00:26

Soo... Got my job.  Doing well so far.  Manager is pleased.  My hips and knees hurt from standing so long, but I'll get used to it.  Don't get my first paycheck for two weeks (lame) but it will exist eventually.  My new uniform-conforming shoes that I thought were non-slip... they're not.  They floor they have in the back where they cook and clean is like some magic material so slippery that the only way to not fall and break your ass is to order special shoes through the restaurant.  I have yet to do this, and I think I'll just trust my hard-won balance skills.  Talked to a lady pondering doggie keychains up front, though, told her I was an artist, and managed to give her a small stack of my business cards!  Woot!

Mom's gone for the week. Back on Friday.  I know it will fly by.

Having fun with the Boob Log on DA, though I've gotten a few discouraging comments.

Drawing long overdue gift art for my friend in Denmark *waves* and also drawing more of the ducks.  (You may recall the three duck boys from my picture "The Duck Joke" on Y!Hosting.  I love those guys.  And I'm adding a new character, too.)  Just for funzies.

The next No-Show Hero started, but will wait for duck crossing.

Have to use tomorrow to work out grad school submission deadlines and make a schedule.  Bleh.  The supreme unfun.

Godlings is flipping me off with both hands from the dark corners of my art station.

The new cat, Mouse, remains clawed and dangerous, but so gosh-dern cute I can never be mad at her.  Plus she camps out under my chair all the time and regularly begs to play fetch like a dog.  Ha.

Dreading the Saturday morning/Sunday morning rush at my work, as it's a good ol' country/comfort food breakfast type of place, and it gets MOBBED.  Also, I am annoyed by most of the employees there stepping out for smoke breaks all the time.  I'm sorry, there's nothing forgivable about addicting yourself to that and then skiving off work to feed the habit.  It's cheating, and I think it's rather repulsive.

That's about it.  It's purdy dull 'round these here parts.

Anyone hear any good jokes lately?

randomness, real life

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