Writing and life

Feb 12, 2007 21:42

In my particular piece of the planet, in my own branch of life I haven't had a very fun love life. Not a bad one, but a sad one perhaps. I am only seventeen so there will be better times (there damn well better be), however for now all I have is a brake up that left my ex avoiding me as if I were some sort of flea infested animal. Not a pleasant feeling. I've also been left with not feeling romantically inclined towards anyone. Which sucks.

In fact just earlier today I was complaining about not liking anyone. But of course life decides to show me that I am not asexual. The student teacher in my writer’s craft class is cute, and funny. Damn if only I was older, or he was younger. I was nervous as shit though which is not the norm. I read my story fine but my arm kept shaking and I dropped my pen when going on a rant about critique. But at least I'm not unfeeling. On an added note I have a tune from scrubs stuck in my head and it won't get the hell out. Gr.

And on another note entirely I have a story I'd like to share with anyone who would like to read it. I wrote it last year but I still enjoy it.

Pink Carnation by Anna

Time had not treated the world kindly. As the years passed the Earth slowly began to die, finally bringing light to issues people had long ignored. With the upkeep of plants and the creatures, and the diseases they could harbor, it was thought that it would be best to remove them. Humans hunted down and captured all animal life and brought them into captivity. The trees, grass, and even flora were easily replaced with machine copies that transfer carbon dioxide into oxygen like their living counter parts. However the bots required little maintenance and their output of oxygen was twice that of a plant could ever be; so society began to accept them. The beauty of the robotic plants could never match that of the real plants, however humans had forgotten that and loved their metallic plants as if they were actually living.

A young girl, no older than her eighth circle, sat out on her artificial turf. Having just finished downloading all the data on the twentieth century she was fascinated by the way things looked, how the trees and flowers were so much more… Wonderful. She ran towards the flowerbed, plastic crunching under her feet. With hopeful eyes she looked at the flowers, hoping to see a real flower; but could not.

As time passed the young girl forgot about the beauty of the real flowers and learned how disgusting they really were, how they could even make people sick or die! She concerned her self only with her mechanical flowers, and her sixth circle daughter, Rose. Rose was very much like her mother, she loved the beauty of the mechanical flowers, not having seen the real ones in her data downloading yet.

As the circle around the sun completed, and Rose was seven circles she downloaded the files on the twentieth century. Just like her mother before her she fell in love with the beauty, horrified that humans destroyed it. She ran across the artificial turf, the same crunching of plastic could be heard as she sat down and looked at the garden.

Rose knew she wouldn’t find a real flower, but that wouldn’t stop her from watching them, searching for a real one among the cheap copies. Hours passed and still nothing happened, tired and bored the girl was about to leave when she glimpsed something she hadn’t seen before. Something so beautiful that it hurt to look at. A small pink carnation could be seen poking up just in-between the turf and a rather large mechanical flower.

Quickly glancing around she grasped the flower and dug into the soil to remove the whole plant. Rose knew she had to take it in and show her mother, she knew her mother loved flowers as much as herself… She would love and care for this rare and wonderful creature. She ran towards the house, through the door, and into the kitchen. Panting slightly she grasped at her mother’s pant leg, smearing dirt on it. Her mother glanced down and looked at her muddied pants in disgust.

“What did I tell you about playing in the soil?” Her mother started in a sharp tone.

Rose ignored the question, positively beaming. She shoved her hands forward showing the tiny fragile survivor to her mother. “Look mother! I found a flower! A real live flower! Isn’t it beautiful? I think that it used to be called-“

A loud smack of skin against skin was heard as the flower tumbled to the floor. Rose’s Mother’s hand still raised from slapping her as the flower tumbled to the ground. “You brought that dirty thing in here? A flower in my home, a dirty, living, disease carrying flower?!” The older woman was disgusted. She lifted her shoe and crushed the fragile carnation under it, along with her daughter’s joy.

Rose’s eyes filled with tears. She looked at her mother then at the dead flower and back again. “You’re right mother… I don’t know what I was thinking.” She scooped up the crushed creature and placed it into the garbage. As she did so she couldn’t help but let the tears flow down her flushed cheeks. Being just a child she didn’t understand the hate and the changes that go on from child to adult… She only understood the simple pink carnation and that its death showed the darkness of the adult world.

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