
Feb 11, 2007 21:13

As it is I've never had a "journal" before, nor a blog. Of course I know what they are, that is nothing new. I'm just new here. I enjoy the community when I am just browsing for stories, pictures, FanFiction, or other such interesting things. So I decided since I enjoy it so much I have to join, at least to make proper comments to show my appreciation, no?

So here I am. I hope to post my "rants", my stories, and possibly some art though I doubt the latter. As for stories I haven't written FanFiction in a good long while but I plan to start again since there are a ton of ideas bouncing around and making a mess of my mind. But on the same note I mainly write my own stories, and I'm trying to write a novel as well so we will just have to see how that goes.

. . . You know something that's been bothering me? A lot? My Wii. I mean god it is fun sometimes! Don't get me wrong, I don't hate it. It can just be annoying. The censor is so damn picky! And if you were left handed not all of the games are made to reverse your playing (right handed becomes left handed), not that that is a problem for me; simply an annoyance. Some parts in games are extremely hard with the censor on, and impossible without it. Other parts are fantastic and cool! I miss my classic controller though, and playing the Wii when ill is just not possible (at least playing it well that is). So yes.

I really ran out of things to say and just started to complain about my Wii because of the new Zelda game, I loathe the final "bug".


That's it. I'm new, and ready to comment, write, type, and basicly make a cyber fool of myself  =)

zelda, wii, new, rant

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