I went to a party tonight, and I tried to park on the side of the road. I was parking my the street drain, and I got too close. It ate my tire and plastic hub cap. It annoys me because it was avoidable, but I didn't know that it would completely eat my tire, and also because the tire is only about 6 months old.
Aside from that, the party was decently fun. I was tired most of the time. Wario Ware is fun with a group of people. There was a gay boy there that I thought was pretty cute, sort of the shaggy jockish type. I'm quite positive he's not into the bear types, though.
Updates, updates. I moved out of the apartment that was in Billy's name and into a place with Kyle, Michael, and Michelle. It's much better than the old place, and now I have nothing that ties me to Billy, which is good. (in the financial sense)
Cody is putting on his
Life/Play during Festival International from April 27-29. I'm going to be in it. I'll be sure to post a reminder when the time comes in case anyone wants to come and see it. It'll be free, I'm pretty sure.
My extended family comes over in about 11 hours for the annual easter crawfish boil. I'm not really in the mood to deal with family, but hopefully it won't be too bad. It usually ends up not being bad, but I still feel like it will be. Sometimes I feel like I'm being interrogated.
Tomorrow night I'm going to Splash with Zane and his hag. I haven't seen him since January. I'm excited. I also haven't been to Splash in about two years. I never had the most fun there, but it might be different now.
I miss that feeling of falling for someone. My friend has a big crush on a girl, and it made me think about it.