Stupid body...make up your mind already!

Nov 17, 2009 01:15

For the past week I've been drifting in that gray zone between normal and sick. Some symptoms were definately there...sore throat and headaches, but no fever to set things off. As a result, I still went to most of my classes...

Some bigger things to think about before Thanksgiving (parties) rolls around.

1. Some answer to the questions the 'rents of other kids often shoot at you during the parties, "What are you going to do after you graduate?"

2. Whether or not I should take the portfolio design class next semester.

As part of my procrastination/escapism routine, I often go snooping around for grad school portfolio info and some design firm internship opportunities and contests...

and then I fall right back down again once I realize that the stuff I have now, really doesn't amount to anything.

So guess what I'll be spending winter doing...
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