Nov 14, 2009 12:13

It's Novemeber already?


Thank god the semester's almost over. After that I can finally stop taking those stupid 5 credit studios that suck up all my time and life.

This semester's studio was the neighborhood design portion. The project? Design a community in an abandoned quarry. Sounds easy enough, conceptually...but its taught by this jerk professor that everyone loves to hate.

It's funny, I haven't learned a damn thing about neighborhood design. I don't think anyone else in the class has either. We've all been raised in NJ...in the suburbs...mostly in communities that didn't have any character to begin with. Yet somehow, we're supposed to come up with designs that foster a great community. WHAT. It's such an infuriorating class...and all of us are burnt out.

Despite that there are other classes and events to keep my sanity...**coughEnglishArchitecture**

During the warmer days, I'd chill at Antilles field. It's a nice place, lots of grass, and a view of the horizon. If I have time, I'd also like to venture across Route 18 to see this Boyd Park.
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