Author Signups Closed! Artist Signups Continue! And Announcement

Jul 10, 2011 15:59

This is your official notice that author sign-ups for Mega Flare 2011 are now closed! We have 34 authors participating! Thanks for such a great turn-out, and we look forward to seeing everyone's rough drafts in September! Watch the community for more reminders.

Artist signups will stay open through September 25th.

We will be running the
boss_battle support community again this year. Come on over for our first activity tomorrow, and feel free to join the community if you haven't already done so. Remember that this community is for Mega Flare participants only. If you're still a member because participated last year, but aren't doing so this year, feel free to stay! Cheerleading from past Mega Flare folks is more than welcome. :)

Thanks again to all the authors who signed up, and we look forward to seeing more artists join us!

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authors, !admin

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