Sign-ups reminder: Author signups close this week!

Jul 05, 2011 20:18

Hey everyone,

The signups continue, with 27 authors and 2 artists currently participating in Mega Flare this year!

Authors, if you have been thinking of signing up, time is running out! Signups for authors close this Friday, July 9th, at 11pm Pacific Time (click here for the time in your location).

Artists, you still have plenty of time, so no worries if you're still unsure. We recently received a question about whether other types of fan media will be accepted (vids, fanmixes, etc.); the answer to this question is likely yes, but we don't want to make anything official yet, because we're still determining what kinds of media can be embedded over at AO3.

The Sign-Up Form

As always, please let us know if you have any questions!

This entry was originally posted at Please comment there using OpenID.

authors, artists, !admin, reminders

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