This weekend was the festival to honor(?) the former warlord around these parts. His name was Takeda Shingen and that's really all I know about him. It was an extra special year because there is currently a drama on Japanese tv about him, and two of the very famous actors made an appearance. I'm sure we had some tourists down for the event as well. It's basically the coolest thing that happens in Kofu all year. Hundreds of people get dressed up in samurai gear and go parading through the streets. As an observer, you are free to stand/sit around and drink beer all day while sporadically getting a photo op with a crazy samurai or two (they've usually been drinking all day as well).
Anyway, we got there around 2 and after fighting through the crowds to get food, we parked ourselves up on the hill where we couldn't actually see the stage. But that was fine with us, cause it's not like we understand them anyway. Our group grew steadily as the few hours passed. And everything was going well until our preferred beer tent ran out of beer. Apparently all the tents had run out, but one restocked and for that we were grateful.
Tons more photos on flickr. Anyway, it started to get cold and rainy, so instead of watching the parade, we went to the rink and continued the revelry. Mark was at an enkai in Nirasaki, but after it finished, he drove back into Kofu and we met him for karaoke while the rest of the Jets danced the night away at the Rink's anniversary party.
I really enjoyed our impromptu party on the side of the hill. I miss having a place to congregate outside, like the ped mall in Iowa City. You don't have to call your friends or make plans, chances are, if you go out, you'll see someone you know. I really miss that. Anyway, it's a shame the weather didn't fully cooperate, but it was still a pretty good afternoon. Go look at the