Every Day

Mar 14, 2007 10:09

As the people in my life often do, ZD inspired me yesterday.  R encourages, pushes me to write daily, but yesterday ZD made a comment that echoed:

It also inspires me to write every detail, every accented story, even when it's just a simple day to yourself, with your corona and MTV.

All my days are simple.  All my days are innocuous.  Don't most of us find it that way?  At any rate, recording my monotony keeps me in touch with the people who read this and it's good practice for me.

Yesterday was beautiful, a tease.  It actually reached 69ºF and I rejoiced as I walked outside without my jacket.  Such a lovely thing to be suddenly free from frigid air and hazardous ice!  The frigid and hazardous are scheduled to return, but not as forceful as the previous months.  Perhaps these are the deathrattles of winter!  Oh, to be so fortunate.  I drool whenever I hear how warm it is during these winter times in CA.  I imagine mild nights and tender mornings....someday!

The day job was good, not nearly as bad/boring as Monday.  I wrote some good things I was satisfied with (on a rough draft level), got some appreciated feedback (are they telling me all these good things because they love me or because they are true?), and had satisfying electronic conversations with two special people in my life.  Plus, the door was open to the sunshine and I read my new Martha Stewart Outdoor Living magazine (gardens!  BBQ!  do-it-yourself hammocks!).  At my core, I really am easy to please.

Five o'clock rolled around and I donned my Red Robin polo shirt, apron and black pants.  My window was down as I drove the five miles to the mall where the restaurant is.  It's difficult to be in a bad mood when the weather is so newly good, as my fellow servers helped me illustrate.  The restaurant was slow, as it was a Tuesday and I'm sure many people did not want to spend the newly light evening hours inside.  I didn't want to either.  I fantasized the whole night about eating a salad with avocado and red onion at the end of the night.  Finally I was cut, did my side work, rolled my silverware and sat down to my salad.  I was disappointed, but reminded myself that it only cost $2.31.  That's a good price for a dinner.

I left the restaurant with $25 in my pocket and a smile on my face because I still did not need a jacket for my walk to my car.  I hate to admit that my mood is so closely tied to the weather, as I think that means I'm a tad one dimensional, but it's the truth.  What can I say?  Kate had called me while I was working and I called Grandpa's house to talk to her while I drove home (talking on the cell phone while driving is not yet illegal in MI - they're still working on banning smoking in public places!).  Chris answered the phone without any rings ("I'm working on my quick phone-answering skills, Meggie.") and I talked to him for a while about his diabetes and how much of this disease management is personal will-power and responsibility.  I told him what I had learned about the disease, how it works, what it's affecting, how to help it, what hinders it, and I told him that I'm working on some food options for him.  And I told him how selfish it is for the people around him to continue to eat without any regard for what he is supposed to/not supposed to eat and the temptations food holds for him.  I don't know if this is the actual case there because I am not around, but I have a feeling it is.  I can never tell if Chris will remember or dwell on what I say to him, but I think he heard me.  Then I talked to Kate for a bit about her icky birthday and how as we get older, people seem to care less about our special days (i.e. less presents!).

By the time I got home (thank you God for my house still standing - I'm always convinced it will be burned to the ground by the time I get home), it was 10:00.  I stayed outside in the warm air to talk to my neighbor, Dan, who grew up in MI but spent 20 years in Orange, CA.  We talked about the weather.

And then I'm inside and sitting on the couch waiting for my laundry to be done (those Red Robin shirts get so damn dirty) and drinking my beer and watching The Daily Show.  I've missed Jon Stewart.  He's a genius.  Before I know it, the alarm is going off and it's 6:30 this morning.  I was off to my bible study at 7:30....that's another entry. 

restless or resigned?

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