I had made this picspam time ago, but I didn´t post it yet. And in honour of his 23rd birthday, there is it:
Nate in his uniform and confused or dreamy?
Desperately seeking Nate.
Insisting Nate.
Kissing Nate.
Falling back Nate.
Bearing blame Nate because of this blonde girl.
Nate in blue.
Naked Nate.
Sleepy Nate.
Reading and confused Nate.
Confused and maybe angry Nate.
Lost and confused Nate.
Sportsman Nate.
Fed up Nate.
Concentrating and gambling Nate.
Confused and inquisitive Nate.
Confused Nate- again and still.
Nate is also musicman.
Blonde again, but- this time, it´s his mother.
Confused Nate, really.
Confused again?
With that blonde.
Socially tired Nate.
That´s why we love Nate.
Very very cunfused Nate.
Another blond... isn´t it Oedipus complex?
With brunette girl again.
Isn´t it the Princesse of Brooklyn?
Yes, it is.
Nate like ice cube.
Nate is angry, but he looks also confused anyway.
Very angry Nate.
Sweet Nate.
Calling and blue Nate.
The end with the blonde.
It doesn´t contain pictures from all episodes, but that´s enough I think.