Maybe a long entry?

Dec 10, 2004 14:57's Friday. Let's recap the days events...
  • Physics-Massive beast of a test. Not so hot. I don't foresee a pleasing score in the near future.
  • Study Hall-it will come to me...think...ah yes, I believe I did my calculus. Was that all? I believe so.
  • English-Sub (very familiar, past student teacher.) Read articles on EM Forster, plus notes. Narrowly didn't finish.
  • History-Unfortunately, I found myself off in another places-as I often do in physics as well(a connection to that test and my poor performance perhaps?)-there were notes which will be allowed on the test, and I was I doing during notes? Right, looking through the student handbook...the whole of it. I was initially looking at extra curriculars but some lame curiosity surely got the best of me. Fascinating.
  • Calculus-went over stuff. Clearly I have a strange mutation of that nasty ailment known as "Senioritis." Yes, well perhaps this weekend I might get caught up. Maybe if we keep our fingers crossed, hm? Did some Math Team, rock on.
  • Art/Lunch-So it isnt an actual art class but I worked on a current piece in oil pastels. Lunch was lunch, what with the food and the chatting.
  • Español Cuatro-hm...what happened there? Went over the Stand And Deliver packet and whatnot. This is another class suffering from my aforementioned ailment.
  • Photo-did developing. Pleased with the results I suppose.
  • Got a ride home, during which there was a spat over the car. Obviously I lost, etc. There was some ever-so-slightly-raised voices, she didn't say "I love you," so neither did I which is always a regret to me, 'cause you just don't take opportunities like that for granted.And here I am...listening to Brand New in the dark. Go me.

    That icon is such a major bummer. To have put such time and a little effort into it only to have it be seemingly useless, is a rather sizeable disappointment to me.

    Delete this, scratch that. Yes, well we'll leave that minor detail alone.

    I hope that this brings a dump of snow. That guy had a point a few weeks ago at the auto parts place. It's no use having cold if there's no snow.

    Maybe I'll edit the setup of my journal soon. Stay tuned. Later.
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