Riverblossom Hills: O'Mackey (R5)

Mar 25, 2012 14:52

Slowly, but surely, Gabe has been able to get over Patricia's betrayal and the ugly breakup. Gardening is good therapy.

He's even met a young lady from the college where he works. Of course, Gabe knows that it's against regulations to date the students, but for now, he and Delilah are "just friends"...

Patricia still seems to hold a grudge, though. Why I don't know, seeing as it was all her fault, really...

David comes to visit.

Delilah is still there, too. She and David know each other from college...

Jules can't help but feel a bit awkward, and left out... She can't wait to go to college so she can catch up to her boyfriend.

David's younger sister Sharla is also there with them. She and Jules have become pretty good friends lately, which has been nice for Jules who's been feeling lonely after David went to college.

Random picture of Hamlet.

Jules and Sharla hang out and practice their dance moves.

Gabe has a chat with his bird.

Finally, the time has come. Jules says goodbye to her father.

The taxi is already waiting for her, ready to take her off to Académie Le Tour.

So now, it's just gonna be Gabe, Hamlet the Cockatoo...

...and the tomato plants (and weeds and bugs!). Let's hope Gabe doesn't get too lonely...

riverblossom hills, rbh round 5, o'mackey, rbh

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