Teesha made an awesome drawing, Tommy doesn't care...
Matthew gives Sharla some valuable advice on what's truly important in life.
After this, Matthew moves in.
The house needed some changes to be able to fit another double bedroom. Sharla and Tommy now share the room that she used to share with David, while Teesha, Melvin and Dion share the other one. It's a bit cramped, but hey... it's the Ottomi.
Teesha got some proper art supplies.
They are adorable. <3
Peter and Samantha work on baby #7...
Uh oh...
No burglar alarm. :/
Matthew called the cops, but she arrived too late.
The twins are not happy about the stolen objects. :|
Wedding day.
Wedding night...
"Hey, where'd Grandma and Matthew go?"
Peter and Samantha are also still as much in love as they were on their own wedding day.