Riverblossom Hills: Greenman (R3)

Jan 14, 2012 07:57

Seems like I'm on a roll with posting these. I hope you don't think it's too much. If it is, it may comfort you that I'll probably run out of bandwidth soon. :P (Also, I realized this is out of sync with the last Wan/Shikibu post, as Rose wasn't pregnant anymore in that. Oh well.)

Rose Greenman is very pregnant with her and Jason's first child. Well, her second, Jason's first, and it's her first, actual pregnancy. It's an exciting time for her, as well as a scary one. The very traditional plantsims in the community she came from frown upon procreating the "sim" way, and she knows she'll never be welcome there again after giving birth to a hybrid.

And at last, it is time...

Rose's now adult daughter Daisy rushes in to assist her.

The baby is a little boy, his green skin plainly showing that he is a plantsim... But he is also smaller than any regular, newborn plantsim, and his bright, blue eyes are all Jason's.

Jason is beyond excited, but Daisy doesn't know how to feel about all of this... She loves her mother, and Jason too, but part of her feels this is all wrong. It's not how plantsims are meant to live... She should have been raised out in nature, not inside a house, no matter how many plants grow inside it.

Rose and Jason name their new baby Fox.

The updated nursery, with everything a sim baby needs.

Jules says hello to her new cousin. She finds it all terribly interesting. This will make a great chapter in her book, once she gets around to writing it.

Everything revolves around the new baby now...

With only brief breaks for other activities...

Then it's right back to caring for Fox again. Rose is quickly finding out that taking care of a sim baby is a lot different to taking care of a plantsim toddler!

riverblossom hills, greenman, rbh, rbh round 3

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