Riverblossom Hills: O'Mackey (R3)

Jan 13, 2012 19:44

Although the only emotion he was capable of expressing at Patricia's party was rage, it doesn't mean that Gabe doesn't grieve for the loss of his relationship with her. He does... A lot.

Most of the household tasks are left to Jules... Gabe doesn't have the energy for it.

Instead he likes to play chess, alone. Jules tries to keep him company sometimes.

But truth be told, Jules isn't that fond of chess, and Gabe seems like he'd rather be on his own, anyway.

But even though she feels bad for her father, Jules isn't really too upset about Patricia no longer being a part of their life. The two of them never got along, after all. Granted, a lot of that was Jules' fault, but still... Turns out she was right about her, doesn't it? To give Gabe some space, Jules spends a lot of time studying. Besides, college is coming up, and she wants to be prepared.

Gabe, on the other hand, spends a lot of time cooking...

And, for the first time in his life, gardening. The vegetable patch left behind after Alexandra's greenhouse is finally being put to use.

Jules attempts to befriend the local wildlife, and fails.

And so the days pass, with Jules studying and doing chores, while Gabe plays chess, and waters his tomatoes, and cooks, and eats...

...and eats.

These things have consequences.

Jules is starting to worry about her father's mental health... How will he manage when she goes to college and he is left all alone?

riverblossom hills, o'mackey, rbh, rbh round 3

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