Round #2: Academie Le Tour - Friends

Aug 01, 2008 19:54

The two friends are Mitch Indie and Max Flexor, who don't really seem like they'd initially be bestest buddies, but I guess you make friends pretty quickly when your neighbour keeps coming in and using your kitchen to make food or your bookshelf to study.

Mitch: So I say, wearing a dress doesn't automatically make you weird, or anything.

Max: ...Dude. It does.

Obviously not wanting to linger of the awkwardness of that conversation, Mitch and Max take a trip to one of the college community lots to shoot some pool. These lots are fun, because all the college students can show up at them.

The Shifting Paradymes, for example.

He doesn't seem like a college student, though. There's something suspicious about this character!

Max and Mitch's skills at Rock Band don't translate very well to the real world. Jasmine, who can play a proper instrument, walks past and glows smugly.

Max: Have you heard the song that's playing? I totally have the whole album, it's awesome!

Mitch: ...Uncool.

All this hanging out at the community lot put a drain on Max's hygiene, and this is how he chose to fix it. Sigh.

Photobucket also severely disapproves of pixel buttocks, so this picture has been censored. You know, in case some children see it and have untoward ideas about pixels. Won't somebody please think of the children?!

If only you could dig around in your yard in real life and find a bunch of stuff. It'd make being a poor college student way easier.

They hit some kind of crazy jackpot with only a few hours work. Yes, that's a treasure chest back there, as well as two maps. Maybe Academie Le Tour was founded by pirates?

The streaker creates the need for MOAR CENSOR. How anyone can even function on the Internet, with all this unfiltered smut about...

That treasure money went to something very productive: blind dates. If we ever move in the gypsy, she should be loaded.

Mitch's One True Love is appearently Sarah Love (who has to have been in that toga for at least a week after the last toga party - maybe they're secretly throwing parties all the time when we're not watching). She really hates ladybugs.

Mitch moves on to the safer topics of stupidly large hats. Meanwhile, Max slips the gypsy some more cash...

...And Nina Caliente drops from the sky. She's nowhere near his age! And she's involved with Don (sort of)!

All this confusion provides much-needed distraction for the llama. What's he up to?

HEY! Put that down! It's not yours!

Sneaky llama. Maybe it was really Tybalt in disguise.

Nina is never adverse to a little romance.

First Kiss practically guarantees that a date is a complete success.

Max and Nina part ways on friendly terms. Careful Max, she's toying with you!

I'm sure there'd be scandal all over Pleasantview if anyone knew Nina was sending love letters to some freshman in college.

All the cool kids set their kitchens on fire at least once.

Max's One True Hobby is, appropriately enough, fitness. Here he is flexing (haha).

Mitch is more into arts & crafts.

Mitch: I find the vibrant green provides a striking contrast to the neon pink landscape, which is um... well, it's symbolic of her... rebellion of a society that's... pink.

He needs a little more time to work on his technique.


The protein shake that comes with building up fitness enthusiasm was a complete let-down. Max failed to engage in anything like bear-blasting, and he's certainly not as good a runner as any KENYANS.

Mitch has a parrot, named Phoenix. Maybe he can teach it the lyrics to some Shifting Paradymes songs.

College is a good time for making lifelong friends.

...While your creepy professor hangs around and watches you. Here's the most stalkerish of our professors, he rings everyone's doorbell, regardless of anyone there even being in any of his classes or not.

This was a pretty funny sequence of events - Mitch was playing with his bird and left the cage door open, and then Max showed up from next door to play with Phoenix too. Sarah was still on the lot, so then she decided it was her turn with the bird. Then the cow snuck in and closed the cage when he was done. That's got to be a first, cow usefulness.

He then makes up for it by hitting on Mitch. Back to his normal self, then.

old stuff, old megahood, academie le tour, flexor, indie

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