New Uberhoodia: Desiderata Valley Round 1 (Part 3)

Nov 21, 2010 15:38

Last DV update. Una, Jocque and O'Mackey (Alexandra) families.


Natasha Una is a hippie who enjoys art of all kinds, grilled cheese, her small, easy-to-care-for garden, and grilled cheese.

It's kind of a lonely life, though, with just her in her big house.

Sure, there's the neighbours, they drop by sometimes...

...but they're more a pain in the ass than anything.

The same goes for her older cousin Luis. He means well, but Natasha tires of his interference. What business of his is it who she spends her time with?

A trip to the downtown art gallery is always welcome, though.

The people are sometimes more interesting than the art.

Some of them are rather...


At the end of the day, Natasha goes to bed alone.

Since she lives off her art and has no other job, her days are spent as she sees fit.

And sometimes, she is visited by her friend, Mr. John Mole. The man Luis doesn't want around her.

Natasha doesn't know what her cousin is so worried about. Other women might find John mysterious and exciting, but for Natasha, he's just a friend. The only one she really has, in the small town of Desiderata Valley.



Sophia and Marcel Jocque care for each other, but the magic left their relationship long ago - that is, if there ever even was any. She's an aspiring sports star, struggling to make it to the top before age catches up to her, while he's laid back and more interested in food than working out.

Even playing pool is sometimes a bit too much excitement for Marcel.

A friendly cooking competition is more his flavour of sport.

Thing is, he's not especially good at it yet.

Brandi: And then it turned out, I'm pregnant again! No wonder I had those cravings, you know?

Marcel oO Why did I choose to make hot dogs?

Brandi: At least I've gotten a lot of practice making baked alaska. I think I've pretty much perfected it now.

Marcel oO I mean, hot dogs? I'm an idiot!

Brandi: Woo, yeah! I rock!

Crystal, Tara and Toby: Geez, does she have to be such a poor winner about it?

Marcel: Yup, I'm an idiot.

It wasn't all for nothing, though. Marcel bumped into this charming, young lady, named Breanna Custer. Triple bolts. Shame that he's married...

Then there's Marcel and Sophia's daughter, Violet.

She's mostly busy doing her own thing. Like her mother, she loves sports, but it's more a hobby than a true passion for her.

She did inherit some of her father's love for food, too.

Then this happened. I didn't expect this at all, and I don't think they did either, least of all Sophia. This might make her career dreams harder to achieve...

A family outing to the sports park, with Rick Contrary tagging along.

After that, they headed down to the Oceanography Research Centre. I guess Rick's parents were working overtime or something. Turns out there was one or two other visitors as well...

1:00 am. Rick rings the doorbell.

Violet is used to this, Rick sneaks out at night all the time.

Usually it's because his parents have pissed him off somehow. Violet wonders if he'll ever be able to get along with them. Maybe it'll get better once he goes to college... assuming he can put down his video games long enough to keep his grades up.



Alex O'Mackey was never the housewife type. She loved Gabe and her daughter, but she loved adventure and the sea more, so one day she decided enough was enough and left to settle down by the beach of Desiderata Valley. Here she spends her days sailing the seas and looking for treasure. Arr!

She enjoys the freedom, but even she gets lonely every now and then. She tried several times to convince Gabe to come with her, but he wasn't interested in leaving Riverblossom Hills.

Alexandra wonders if there's anyone out there for her who'd enjoy this lifestyle as much as she does.

No rules, no one telling you what to do... and free food right outside your window!

But lonely. Definitely lonely.

So, looking for some company, Alexandra headed downtown. And the first person she bumped into at the poker table? Yeah.

(She did this on her own, I was away from the computer for a moment while the lot loaded.)

She and Gabe came to an agreement: They will at least try to get along for Jules' sake, and Jules can come visit her mother on weekends - at least the ones when Alexandra's not out pirating.

More old friends. Gabe's sister-in-law, Rose Greenman, decides to join them. So does a handsome stranger from Belladonna Cove...

Alexandra finds him very interesting indeed...

Unfortunately, Benjamin Baldwin is a married man, and too honest to cheat on his wife with someone he just met. Can Alex convince him?


Extras: Just some pictures of the two new lots I built in Desiderata Valley. One's the Oceanography Research Centre. I was planning to make little lots for various careers in all the neighbourhoods, but it's such a huge project to just make over what's already there, so we'll see. Maybe later. :) The other one's Alexandra's house.

Oceanography Research Centre

Small Ocean Hut


una, uberhood v3, old stuff, teatherton, jocque, o'mackey, desiderata valley

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