Borked faces and whining

Oct 13, 2010 12:33

So I was playing through DV, and played the Jocques last. Now, I've decided that the only babies my sims get this time around are the ones they make themselves, and so far, no one'd gotten pregnant in DV. (I played two days in each family.) Sophia and Violet Jocque both have borked faces, which we don't have the fixes ready for yet. Since Sophia and Marcel are getting a bit older, I figured their chances of having a baby was small. Only a 15% chance for Sophia... but then first chance they got, they went into bed, tried for baby, and... ding-ding-ding-ding-diiing-diiiiiing! Well, crap. Now I can't play them again until I have a fix for Sophia, or she'll have a borky baby. :P The game just KNOWS, I swear.

I've been at home sick the past couple of days, so maybe I should try doing some sim face sculpting today...

bork, broken faces, jocque, rant, desiderata valley

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