Riverblossom Hills/Moon Islands: Traveller & Teatherton (R6)

Aug 08, 2012 10:24

Last update of round 6! A kind of big one, too.

Last time, the Travellers sans Trisha escaped from Moon Islands and moved to Riverblossom Hills, Tina grew up to a teen and Trevor to a toddler. Now they are trying to get by without their wife and mother.

Tina's a bit behind at school, due to her long absence... but she's slowly catching up to the other students.

Trent takes a walk to the local market to look for a job. He finds an opening as a paramedic, and figures he might as well try climbing the medical career ladder.

Working full time while raising a toddler alone is not easy.

Although, Trent really isn't alone. Tina is fully capable of taking care of herself, and she often helps with Trevor, too.

Still, sometimes Trent's job and Tina's school hours overlap, and they have to hire a nanny to look after Trevor for a little while.

Trevor is a well balanced little boy. He doesn't seem to miss his mother - he probably doesn't even remember her.

Tina is making new friends in the neighbourhood, too. Xander is going to private school, not public like her, but despite the class difference they get along well. Xander is not snobbish at all, and he often complains about how his father is expecting him to get scholarships in everything, just because he's going to a "better" school.

Tina, being a Romance sim, sees an opportunity...

... and takes it.

Trent - not the type to be overprotective - happily welcomes Tina's new friend as a guest in their home, and Xander stays for dessert.


Meanwhile, far away, on one of the two Moon Islands...

Trisha is still trying to adjust to her new life.

Thanks to the animals, there's never a quiet and dull moment.

And there are definite benefits to being a pirate!

Peace and quiet...

Food is free and easily available...

The weather is, for the most part, very agreeable!

But still...

... Alexandra can tell that Trisha is not happy, and despite being a cynical pirate, Alex loves Trisha. And she loves her own daughter, and knows what it's like to leave a child behind.

"Trisha... We can move back to the city if you want. Back to civilization."

Trisha is very surprised.

"Really? Won't you get caught? Won't we?"

"I have my ways to stay hidden. With all this treasure we've found, we should be able to manage for a while. I think it's worth the risk, don't you?"

Trisha says she'll have to think about it. She's agreed to stay on the island with Alexandra, can she really put them both in danger just for the chance to see her children again? Maybe they're so angry with her they don't even want to see her. Trevor won't even know who she is...


riverblossom hills, moon islands, teatherton, rbh, traveller, rbh round 6

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