Title: Ghosts of a Future Never Meant to Be
Pairing: HG Wells/Myka Bering
Rating: PG-13
Spoiler: season 2 and 3, set after Season 3 Finale
Disclaimer: If I did own the rights to these lovely ladies they would have a lot more fun - trust me.
Summary: The Warehouse has been destroyed, and loved ones with it. Myka is heartbroken, but tries her hardest to be strong. While taking inventory of what remained after the blast she comes across a heartbreaking discovery. More determined than ever to change the past she confronts Artie.
Update: With her loved ones returned to her, Myka can finally see a future for them all. There are of course some things that need taking care of. Will the transition go smoothly for our Victorians?
Crossover story featuring Dr. Helen Magnus.
Previous Chapters:
Chapter 1 - Secrets of Warehouse 12Chapter 2 - Bringing Her BackChapter 3 - A Price Too High to PayChapter 4 - A Place Where Miracles HappenChapter 5 - A New Kind of Family
Chapter 6 - Merging Past & Present