Letter to the Gentleman in Seat 17C

Jun 19, 2006 08:37

For he’s a jolly good fe-heLLO, watch where you put that, mister!

This is a letter to the gentleman in Seat 17C on the Continental flight bound to Boston from Houston June 18 at 3:50 pm - and to his gentle wife in 17D.

Thanks for tilting your seat back into my lap. I really appreciated it. Especially since I had about 4 hours of work to do on my laptop. It was especially kind of you to continuously shift your position so that my uncomfortably angled laptop would jab my stomach. And as for your sweet wife who looked back to see my multiple grimaces of discomfort - wasn’t it nice of her to not disturb you with my problems?

I truly appreciated the half-hour during which you stood, but didn’t raise your seat. And let’s not forget the other half-hour where you leaned forward to eat but again left the seat back in my face.

You’re a real travel pro.

But don’t worry. The cramp in my left arm eventually will go away. And my doctor tells me that the indentation in my stomach should disappear in another couple of months. I’m gratified that you didn’t give a damn about that either. You really put yourself out there for fellow travelers.

So, I hope you weren’t too inconvenience when I rose to let the middle-seat guy up to go the bathroom. It was very rude of me to shove the back of your seat forward into the back of your head. Oh, and so sorry for the patented Evil Twin Glare™ that I leveled on you as I waited for my fellow passenger to make his way out of the seat. Truly, I didn’t mean to shove your seat for a second time as I re-seated myself - it just happened.

But hey, at least you got the hint and returned your seat to its full and upright position. Thanks. Thanks so very much. After all, we still had 30 minutes left in the flight. And the stewardess was announcing that we needed to put our electronic equipment away at that point.

You really made my flight.

In fact, I hope to see you again. Preferably while you’re squashed between two hugely massive sumo wrestler truck drivers who haven’t showered in a week, haven’t shaved in two years and think you’re looking mighty pretty.

Yeah, that really would make for a good flight, wouldn’t it?


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