Title: The Start Of Something (Beautiful)
Character/s: Tony Hill, Kevin Geoffries, Paula McIntyre. Mentions of Alex and Liam Kirwan.
Spoilers: Nothing in particular I don’t think
Word Count: 2500
Disclaimer: I don’t own shit.
Summary: Kevin, Paula and Tony go over some game prep before meeting Alex for drinks, on her birthday.
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You stole my trick! I was going to email you just now with the opening line of (something like) *stands up, smiles, looks appreciatively at you, kisses your cheek and touches your waist and whispers various sweetly lecherous things in your ear* but you beat me to it, dammit! I mean, it's your birthday, after all. It's only fair you get the Tony Hill seducing-Alex A+ Game treatment.
I'm rather spiffed that you enjoyed this. It's totally silly. I tried to throw in as many references to the random shit we've discussed and enjoyed as possible, hence the Alex being a bitch, the intentional flirting/flashing, not getting mad at Tony for checking her out, and some questionable!sexuality!Paula, Ron Weasley-esque Kevin, and both suave and totally pathetic!Tony.
I was thinking that maybe Alex was walking past the window outside when Kev kissed Tony, and she caught a glimpse of it but is planning to save it for later to hassle Tony about when they've had a few drinks and are feeling cosy and flirty. Of course she'll also never let Kev live it down, but he's very comfortable in his own skin, and isn't at all fazed by the thought that everyone at Bradfield CID knows he's felt up and snogged Tony. He's a broad-minded bloke, is our Kevin.
Okay, so what happened as these birthday drinks progressed? Well, I feel I should tell you that Alex was wearing a black dress that showed quite a bit of leg, and that Tony spent most of the evening cosied up next to her in their booth, internally debating whether or not he could get away with putting his hand on her knee/thigh. In fact, this debate probably became a bit external too, because I get the feeling he might have asked Kev for his advice during a blokey loo trip at some stage. Kev of course told him to go for it, however upon his return to the table, Tony was pleasantly surprised to find out that Alex wanted to spare him the trouble, because as soon as he sat down she slipped her fingers through his and laid his hand on her leg all by herself. The slut!
I hope you're having a brilliant birthday, babe! I am metaphorically brushing some dust off your shoulder in a very lingering way right now.
I absolutely enjoyed this! I mean, Alex/Tony or random Tony, Paula and Kevin chatting anything would have been lovely but then you went and threw in so many of our crackish little ideas that it was almost too much awesomeness for me to handle!
Upon reading again (because I just had to when I popped in to comment) I'm quite amused by Paula's "not that kind of hitting, anyway." She's a smartass, a dirty smartass and I want to have drinks and a variety of other things with her.
Awww! I would love Alex waiting until a few drinks in and then gesturing at Tony and Kevin and saying something like, "So what was up with that snogging earlier, boys?" And Kevin would quickly cover with some obviously lame excuse, not wanting to let on that they were giving Tony Alex-seduction 101. They'd all laugh about it but then Tony would get up to buy a round or something and Alex would be all, "Look, Kev, it was cute this once but from now on paws off my man."
Oh, excellent! Of course Alex would guide Tony into feeling up her leg! All she was waiting for was just the slightest little sign he was ready for her and he gave it to her with the waist touching and kissing and telling her she's beautiful. Now Alex's sexual predator mode is fully engaged. Who knows where all she'll have directed his hands by the end of the night! Eventually, Paula and Kevin are going to get embarrassed and leave them on their own to paw at each other as they please.
*leans into your lingering shoulder brushing* Thank you, my dear. My birthday was good. Not terribly exciting but definitely pleasant and this crackishness right here was absolutely the best gift I got! Thank you ever so much!
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