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mammothluv July 14 2010, 14:59:08 UTC
*creeps in all ninja style* Comment sneak attack begins now. I hope you're ready.

Oh, Kev. He really is something of a mess over Paula, isn't he? I seriously can picture him up late nights at his computer making mixes that remind him of Paula. It's both sad and charming, dear boy.

I do love those scenes in Nocebo. He's such an absolute mess at the idea of anything happening to her and yet so afraid to show that to anyone. (And, I need to confirm this in our rewatch but I'm pretty sure there's a scene where Tony looks at Kev like he absolutely gets it and sympathizes. Your mad Paula love has not escaped Tony's notice, Kevin.)

And I don't know if we yammered on about it at appropriate length during 4.02 because there was so much else going on but I also love the way Kev hugs Paula and tells her it's okay when they find her. That scene kills me. Lord, they're gorgeous.

you don’t know what it’s been like/meeting someone like youFor some reason that line really gets me. I almost teared up a little bit reading it. I just ( ... )


meelsie_love78 July 16 2010, 09:00:58 UTC
(I'm slowly catching up on replies. Slowly is the key word here ( ... )


mammothluv July 22 2010, 19:13:52 UTC
(I'm slowly catching up on replies. Slowly is the key word here.)
Now I'm the slow poke. I've made it through the comments that were a week old and am now at 6 days old. Go me!

I wonder if Paula ever makes Kevin mixtapes back? I must know your thoughts on this. I think she might on occasion but not nearly as many as he makes her.

Squee! 5.02! I do love the way Tony covers for Kevin there and the fact that he picked up on it when Alex didn't. (Or maybe Alex is semi-aware but just not as in-tune as Tony is?)

So, Tony knows Paula has a bit of a crush on Alex, he knows Kevin is in love with Paula... the only thing he doesn't know is that Alex is in love with him. Daft sod.
Daft sod, indeed. I think part of the reason Tony picks up on the fact that Kevin is falling apart, besides being a brilliant psychologist and all, may be that at this point in season 5 Tony thinks he's in the same boat as Kevin - adoring that friend/coworker you think you'll never have. Poor boys.

*smashes into Kev's living room, cracks open a ( ... )


meelsie_love78 July 23 2010, 09:10:37 UTC
I don't honestly know about Paula and the mixtapes. I don't quite see it as her style. In fact I can imagine her not really being into music much at all, and Kevin getting all frustrated with her because she just rolls her eyes and sighs and just doesn't understand how much of a seminal influence the Manic Street Preachers were on the music industry in the 1990s. Oh wait. I think that's actually me talking to you ( ... )


mammothluv July 27 2010, 15:20:15 UTC
Paula isn't into music? *is horrified* Paula, baby, come on. *joins Kevin in the obsessive making of mix tapes for Paula*

and just doesn't understand how much of a seminal influence the Manic Street Preachers were on the music industry in the 1990s. Oh wait. I think that's actually me talking to you.Hey, I am dutifully working my way through all your music recs! (Though I do still of a proper listen and thoughts on the stuff you sent me this weekend.) It's not my fault I was too busy listening to and odd combination of angry girl music and country in high school to pay attention to anything else. This is why you have to boss me now. I'm terribly behind ( ... )


meelsie_love78 July 28 2010, 06:59:29 UTC
It's not so much that Paula isn't into music - of course she likes it - but more a case of Kev being a bigger music geek even than me. He's at the obsessive level, and Paula just doesn't get why it's so important to have every single cover version ever recorded of Just Like Heaven in one's iTunes ( ... )


mammothluv August 1 2010, 02:41:42 UTC
Damn, Kev is a hardcore music geek if he's a bigger music geek than even you.

Paula just doesn't get why it's so important to have every single cover version ever recorded of Just Like Heaven in one's iTunes.Do you have every version of "Just Like Heaven" in your iTunes, Amelia? Is this how you knew to point me to that cover of it the other day? *peers into your iTunes ( ... )


meelsie_love78 August 1 2010, 09:55:13 UTC
Yeah, Kev gives me lessons. And his latest rec, which I am lovingly passing on to you, if you don't already have it, is Laura Marling's new album 'I Speak Because I Can'. LIZ IT IS AMAZING AND BRILLIANT I SWEAR. I liked her old stuff well enough (esp New Romantic which was fantastic), but this album? It's fucking amazing. Like, really really brilliant. In fact, here you go.Okay. Where was I? Yeah, no, I don't have every cover of Just Like Heaven, but I would like to! I need to work on this, obviously. A friend of mine once sent me a mix of seventeen different versions of 'Umbrella', which was actually kind of cool (the Manics did a cover, omg), but I'm wincing on your behalf about the Phantom of the Opera thing. Just no. Musicals etc are Not. My. Thing. In fact I really don't think I can think of anything worse that a compilation cd of the same Andrew Lloyd Webber crap over and over. Poor you ( ... )


mammothluv August 4 2010, 18:30:17 UTC
I think I've already said this elsewhere but I love the Laura Marling album so far. (I honestly haven't listened a ton but it's your fault as I've been distracted by your mixes.) You and Kevin give good recs ( ... )


meelsie_love78 August 5 2010, 08:13:20 UTC
So glad to hear it. It's a brilliant album. I am a bit in love with Laura Marling right now ( ... )


mammothluv August 13 2010, 00:37:47 UTC
You are keeping me in more albums than I can keep up with these days. I rather enjoy it ( ... )


meelsie_love78 August 16 2010, 06:34:35 UTC
I live to keep you in random albums! I am a sharer after all, and I've now developed this thing where if I'm listening to something, I'll automatically think "Will Liz like this? Can I spam her with it?" It's really rather sad.

I think I'd rather we lived right next door to Alex's place, rather than having a randomly appearing guest wing. I just love the idea of us as the incredibly nosy neighbours who are always dropping by and gossiping and being generally infuriating. We'd spend all day out in the back yard on our porch swing and taking it in turns to peek over the fence into Alex's windows. Also, it would probably be cool if our bathroom windows aligned, so poor Alex could be getting out of the shower to find one or both of us waving at her happily.

Oh, we're going to be nudists, by the way. We're naked whilst we've waving happily at her.

I wonder if part of the reason she is so stubborn about these boundaries is that she knows if she crosses them she'd get too invested?You mean like she has with Tony? Oh yes, I can definitely ( ... )


mammothluv August 23 2010, 02:35:45 UTC
Amelia, before I get to answering this comment, it's important for you to know that I got my first ever speeding ticked today. I would be upset about this but IT WAS A HOT LADY COP. She was sort of a Paula type and I thoroughly enjoyed when she talked sternly to me. It was almost worth the exorbitant fine I will have to pay. (On a scale from one to Paula, she was like an 8.5. If she'd been anywhere from 9-Paula, I'd say it was totally worth it. Either way, fuck yeah hot lady cop ( ... )


meelsie_love78 August 31 2010, 22:22:10 UTC
HOT LADY COP!?!?! I am jealous. Never in my life have I ever had any kind of experience with a Hot Lady Cop, Liz. Lots of fat old bloke cops (unfortunately none of them have ever been as amusing and quick with the sarcastic wisecracks as the fat old bloke cops on tv), but no hot ladies. Ok, it's not like I've had LOTS of experience with cops in general, because it sounded like that's what I was saying just then. Also, look at you and your first ever speeding ticket! Oh, my good little law-abiding wife. I've gotten a shitload of tickets in my time. My housemate and I have them all stuck to the fridge. Yeah, we're dags. Anyway, did you hit on hot lady cop? I suppose it might have been a little risky; you don't want to end up spending the night in the nick because you've so comprehensively pissed off the investigating officer that she's banged you up in there. (I never thought I'd get to use that particular Alex quote!) Or, do you? A night in the nick with 8.5-Paula Hot Lady Cop sounds like it could be a good time ( ... )


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