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meelsie_love78 August 5 2010, 08:13:20 UTC
So glad to hear it. It's a brilliant album. I am a bit in love with Laura Marling right now.

I know I know, I really do need to get to work on finding more covers of random cute Cure songs. And the Manics cover of 'Umbrella' was cute, although you can tell they weren't really putting their backs into it, the chubby little lazy Welshmen.

Err, I do not love musicals. I can see we're going to have to have separate music rooms in our lovely Bradfield house (which I'm thinking should probably be a mansion, yes?) I suppose weird sassy musicals is more doable than just musicals in general. I can handle Disney movies, generally. Does that count?

Awww, I suppose he is a bugaboo. He hijacked my computer under the pretence of 'fixing it', as it's been screwing up to even greater extents than usual, but I'm pretty sure there was minimal fixing going on. It was more about him raiding my iTunes for crap rnb, I think.

This is an interesting point indeed, about Alex separating herself from her team's personal lives, whilst still caring about them and their welfare in general. I'm wondering if it's got to do with her stubornly self-sufficient streak again? As in perhaps she doesn't get involved in their stuff because she doesn't want to have to share her stuff? I honestly don't know. Alex is confusing me right now. I think I might just have to conclude for the time being that she is a hot FEELINGS mess which is entirely inexplicable.

*does little mini porno dance just to keep you placated*

Yessssssss. I love those lyrics. That song is so perfect. It's so Tony deciding to take that step to open himself up. I love it. I'm going to go do some listening/cap-gazing right now, just to get my fix of adorable in love Tony.


mammothluv August 13 2010, 00:37:47 UTC
You are keeping me in more albums than I can keep up with these days. I rather enjoy it!

Well, I suppose we had to find a few areas of disagreement at some point. I shall work to get past your dislike of musicals if you can work on accepting the fact that I'm not convinced about batwing sleeves. I don't know that Disney movies necessarily count though I suppose they are musical-ish. (I don't generally mind Disney either though I'm not one of those alarming Disney crazy types.)

I'm fine with having separate music rooms in the Bradfield house and I'm content to only blare the musicals when you're out and/or with my headphones on. I don't think we need a mansion as long as we can have magically appearing, multi-purpose rooms like in Alex's house. In fact, maybe Alex can just have an entire guest wing magically appear and we'll move in there. That'll work out nicely, don't you think?

Yeah, I think you could be right that Alex's insisting on staying out of her teams personal lives has something to do about her stubborn independence and need to have boundaries. I also had a new thought about this - I wonder if part of the reason she is so stubborn about these boundaries is that she knows if she crosses them she'd get too invested? I mean we know what a total softie she really is and maybe she's afraid she'll give that away and/or become even more of a big FEELINGS mess about things if she gets involved in the personal lives of her team. Maybe it's a bit of a self-protection thing in addition to wanting to be independent. She was such a mess already both time Paula was hurt/in danger. Maybe she feels she has to keep a certain amount of distance between herself and her team to keep from completely losing her shit when/if things like that happen?

I don't know. That doesn't seem to make as much sense typed out as it did in my head. Maybe we should just go with your 'she's a hot feelings mess' explanation.

*does little mini porno dance just to keep you placated*
*stuffs several 20s into your gstring.


meelsie_love78 August 16 2010, 06:34:35 UTC
I live to keep you in random albums! I am a sharer after all, and I've now developed this thing where if I'm listening to something, I'll automatically think "Will Liz like this? Can I spam her with it?" It's really rather sad.

I think I'd rather we lived right next door to Alex's place, rather than having a randomly appearing guest wing. I just love the idea of us as the incredibly nosy neighbours who are always dropping by and gossiping and being generally infuriating. We'd spend all day out in the back yard on our porch swing and taking it in turns to peek over the fence into Alex's windows. Also, it would probably be cool if our bathroom windows aligned, so poor Alex could be getting out of the shower to find one or both of us waving at her happily.

Oh, we're going to be nudists, by the way. We're naked whilst we've waving happily at her.

I wonder if part of the reason she is so stubborn about these boundaries is that she knows if she crosses them she'd get too invested?
You mean like she has with Tony? Oh yes, I can definitely see this. In fact, I wonder if perhaps she hasn't been burned by something like this before; getting too involved with colleagues or something and having some kind of negative outcome from it which I absolutely cannot think of at the moment. Also, let's consider Alex for a moment. She's got FEELINGS. Serious FEELINGS. Just how many people is she capable of having FEELINGS at such an intensity over at once? There's Ben, there's Tony, and I can see her getting very protective and closer to her dad since he's moved in. The poor girl is drained just by worrying about Tony. Maybe she's doing herself a favour by backing off a bit from the others. Also, I think you're right about her wanting to keep herself a bit apart so she can remain clear-headed if something goes wrong. Which, by the way, she's totally shit at, so I don't know why she bothers. But also, she's the boss. She's pretty casual and laidback a lot of the time, and is very friendly with Kev and Paula, so maybe she's got to exert a little bit of distance on some levels to maintain her role as HBIC. I don't know. Whatever. I just think she's awesome, and I don't really care if she hates every single other person around her as long as SHE LOVES TONY.

But yeah, she's a hot mess. Of all sorts.

*buys you a drink with newfound profits*


mammothluv August 23 2010, 02:35:45 UTC
Amelia, before I get to answering this comment, it's important for you to know that I got my first ever speeding ticked today. I would be upset about this but IT WAS A HOT LADY COP. She was sort of a Paula type and I thoroughly enjoyed when she talked sternly to me. It was almost worth the exorbitant fine I will have to pay. (On a scale from one to Paula, she was like an 8.5. If she'd been anywhere from 9-Paula, I'd say it was totally worth it. Either way, fuck yeah hot lady cop!)

Oh, I'm quite pleased that you keep me in random albums! I love when you send me your brilliant music recs! And I enjoy spamming you in return as well.

I am so down for us being Alex's nosy and privacy invading neighbors. I say we get a trampoline set up in the backyard so we can get some exercise in while jumping high enough to stare over her fence. Two birds with one stone and all of that.

I am also okay with us developing nudist tendencies once we move in and waving happily at her in our nude state in a variety of situations. I'm certain she'll grow to love us eventually. We're delightfully quirky. However, this is undoubtedly just another thing that will add to the years of therapy young Benjamin will undoubtedly be needing to start soon.

Interesting idea about Alex having been burned in the past by getting too involved/close with a colleague and getting burned in the past. It's certainly possible that she was close to a partner or someone who got killed. Or someone she was close to at work got hurt or kidnapped much like Paula did and Alex kind of lost her shit and there was a bad outcome or a narrowly avoided bad outcome? (Or, actually, if your idea about her having worked with Gabriel is true, it could be some carryover from all the messy FEELINGS that resulted there.) That could have been enough to convince her to keep a little distance at work.

Even if it's not that, I do think it's absolutely at least in part about being able to keep a clear head if something goes wrong with one of her team. Which, you are correct, she's total shit at but imagine the fact that, if she were even closer to her team, it's possible she could be more shit at it and that's just scary.

I suppose it doesn't necessarily have to be the case that something bad has happened in the past. As infinite as the FEELINGS may seem at times, I'm sure you're right that there's only so much FEELING to go around. The poor girl would get terribly burned out if she spent as much energy on everyone as she does on Ben and Tony. In fact, she's pretty close to burnt out already with just the two of them. She's got to draw boundaries somewhere or she'd implode and become like this big FEELINGS black hole or something. (My science here is sketchy at best but I know in my heart such a thing is possible.)

Anyway, whatever. We can summarize with two points. 1.) She's a hot mess. 2.) She loves Tony with every ounce of FEELING at her disposal.

Really, #2 is all we need be concerned about.

*gratefully accepts drink even though I don't recall what it's for anymore*


meelsie_love78 August 31 2010, 22:22:10 UTC
HOT LADY COP!?!?! I am jealous. Never in my life have I ever had any kind of experience with a Hot Lady Cop, Liz. Lots of fat old bloke cops (unfortunately none of them have ever been as amusing and quick with the sarcastic wisecracks as the fat old bloke cops on tv), but no hot ladies. Ok, it's not like I've had LOTS of experience with cops in general, because it sounded like that's what I was saying just then. Also, look at you and your first ever speeding ticket! Oh, my good little law-abiding wife. I've gotten a shitload of tickets in my time. My housemate and I have them all stuck to the fridge. Yeah, we're dags. Anyway, did you hit on hot lady cop? I suppose it might have been a little risky; you don't want to end up spending the night in the nick because you've so comprehensively pissed off the investigating officer that she's banged you up in there. (I never thought I'd get to use that particular Alex quote!) Or, do you? A night in the nick with 8.5-Paula Hot Lady Cop sounds like it could be a good time.

You've just reminded me to get those two links I mentioned yesterday for you. Except I can only remember what one of them was now. Oh well. I'll figure it out.

I say we get a trampoline set up in the backyard so we can get some exercise in while jumping high enough to stare over her fence.
Clever! I like this idea! Although I'm a bit scared of trampolines. When I was a kid I had two distinct occasions when I split my head open, and one of them was going flying off a trampoline onto some rocks. It was the 80s, dude, before all these trampolines with netting and safety walls and shit. (The other occasion was when I was like four or something and decided to try jumping backward off of a chair onto the bed and landed on the brushed stone floor. I actually remember that, unlike the trampoline one. Got some excellently gruesome memories of being in the ambulance with my dad holding my head together while blood was pouring into my eyes. Okay you prob didn't need to hear that grossness. Sorry.)

We're delightfully quirky.
Yes, this is us. Just in general. I like it! Quirky is definitely my thing. (It's such a nice way of saying weird.)

I've never thought much on this idea of Alex having a colleague who got killed. It's interesting. In my head Jago's wife (Chloe's mother) died of some horrible disease when Chloe was little, and Alex and she were close. I've always had this little scene in my brain of Tony finding a picture of Alex and another Italian-looking girl and asking her about it, and Alex telling him that they were best friends. Basically this is all so Tony can gaze at Alex with sad adoration in his eyes. I love it when he does that. (I'm all over 5.02 at the moment, by the way. I gotta write/do something with that ep.)

Yeah, we really don't need to be making Alex asplode with FEELINGS, do we? Girl suffers from them enough already. I love that about her. She is such a hot mess of emotion. And I love that Tony loves it about her too. This is why I'm on such a great big 5.02 kick; the whole time you can tell he's just gazing at her and thinking 'God, she's amazing. How can so much FEELINGSness be inside one little tiny feisty Scottish chick?' He so loves it.

What are we drinking? I fancy gin, but then again I always fancy gin. Do you have any preferences? And please don't say anything brown, honey.


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