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mammothluv July 2 2010, 14:38:15 UTC
Another happy mix? You fill me with glee! I'm kind of like so right now:

... )


meelsie_love78 July 3 2010, 01:51:09 UTC
AWWW GIF LOVE. How beautiful. Look at their smiley faces ( ... )


meelsie_love78 July 3 2010, 02:03:23 UTC
Interrupting myself for two very important reasons:
1. I am a moron and I posted this accidently before finishing *points down frantically*
2. I just said the North Pole is what comes below Australia. THE SOUTH POLE. I MEANT TO SAY THE SOUTH POLE. Fuck.

Carrying on...


meelsie_love78 July 3 2010, 01:58:28 UTC
OMG *accidental hitting of posting button before finishing comment* WHOOPS ( ... )


mammothluv July 3 2010, 04:17:22 UTC
I guess if you really think it's necessary to dissect every possible aspect of the second date I could get into such a thing ( ... )


meelsie_love78 July 4 2010, 01:45:01 UTC
OOOH date discussion! I'm so lucky you're so agreeable and easygoing, aren't I?

I'm completely with you on the date lead-up part: I definitely think Tony would be hanging around with her and Ben and her dad in the evenings quite a bit, and oh, I'm dying of squee over the idea of him being the one to bring it up. I think he would actually be quite calm about it; of course, he'd be petrified a bit, but at that stage I think we're safe to say they both know the other wants it to happen, and the only doubts are niggling ones. I can see him saying it very quietly and simply ("Have dinner with me. Proper dinner. Dinner-and-conversation dinner.") And oh, how Alex would blush and be floating off into the clouds immediately with joy.

I'm for an evening date too, if only because I'm with you on the thigh-highs and also, I even know exactly what Tony is wearing (sadly, Robson is minus tie here, but she could always grab the lapels of his jacket, we know she likes doing that). YES YES YES to everything else; the wine, the legs-under-table ( ... )


meelsie_love78 July 4 2010, 01:45:24 UTC
Maybe I just really feel the need to string it out as long as possible? I love the idea of them being in that dating stage where they both know it's on, they're both totally committed and are madly in love but are perhaps enjoying the hesitation too. God, I'm weird. Proof that I'm even weirder: I'd like to see them holding off on the sex for a while. Like, I can see them snogging, making out, all of that, and hanging out and going on dates and such, and then they're stuck at her place knowing they can't really do much (plus I think Alex might be slightly hesitant about shagging there with Ben and her Dad just down the hall knowing how fucking loud she is going to be), so perhaps going to bed together and kind of drawing the line at some horribly tension-filled point and barely getting a wink of sleep. Add to that the insane sexual tension while they're at work, and given a week or two of that, I can see them taking the first opportunity they get to race over to his place in the middle of the day because they just can't stand it ( ... )


mammothluv July 6 2010, 17:47:20 UTC
You are terribly lucky that I'm so agreeable and easygoing! I'm glad you acknowledge this fact. I must say that I'm lucky that you're usually pretty willing to deal with my whims as well. We're just two lovely and easygoing people, really ( ... )


meelsie_love78 July 7 2010, 01:17:44 UTC
I kind of like the tie-less option! It makes him look very devil-may-care in my opinion. And Alex would just rip it right off anyway, before you even had time to begin to construct a decent sexual fantasy around it. She's too quick, I'm telling you ( ... )


mammothluv July 9 2010, 14:58:54 UTC
It's true. Alex will just claw whatever clothing he's wearing right off once they get down to it with no regard for my sexual fantasies at all. I suppose I can embrace this tieless option ( ... )


meelsie_love78 July 10 2010, 07:22:12 UTC
Tony's shirt buttons don't stand a snowflake's chance against the volatile sexual force that is horny!Alex. She's so inconsiderate, not even for a moment taking into account that you and I are MATURE PEOPLE who are capable of appreciating anticipation and expectation, and not just the rabid tearing off of clothes.

Ooh yay! Come join me in the mature land of continuing Alex and Tony's sexual frustration! It's really pretty here. And tense. But still, I really do want them to make every single stage of this thing last; as much I would love them to just get married/have Isobelle already, I also adore the two of them in their slightly-awkward but we love each other so much phase that they're beginning in 6.04. Just think of the eye sex. You thought it was epic before, can you even imagine what it would be like once they'd started dating but hadn't snogged/actually properly talked about things? Poor Kevin and Paula.

They'd probably find cute little nonsense reasons to call each other Half of me wants to squee crazily and abuse capslock ( ... )


mammothluv July 12 2010, 14:45:21 UTC
Tony is going to have no button down shirts left that aren't in various states of disrepair. He'll have to wear your favorite sweaters constantly. Alex is such an animal. Mind the buttons, Alex. Tony has enough trouble dressing himself as it is ( ... )


meelsie_love78 July 13 2010, 22:20:44 UTC
Or he could just start going shirtless.

... )


mammothluv July 14 2010, 18:38:28 UTC
Hey there shirtless Robson. Ah, slightly geeky, older British men. Always making me feel just a tiny bit bisexual.

I'm impressed that you and Robson wear the same brand of fancy workout wear. You are both obviously hardcore serious business sporty people.

Okay, so we're agreed that impregnation by eye!sex is most likely possible if you're doing it right which Alex and Tony certainly are. Excellent!

I don't know, you might have been a better psychologist than you think. You've got that whole head in lap/hair smoothing thing down which we've established is an important skill for any psychologist. Surely between that and asking yourself what Tony Hill would do you'd get along just fine, right?

I'm loving the idea of everyone at Bradfield CID suddenly hooking up due to the high levels of FEELINGS floating around in there. I wouldn't be surprised if there were a high number of eye!sex babies popping up all over the place too.

: "First years are really titchy, Alex. And not very clever." and then she'd email back ( ... )


meelsie_love78 July 14 2010, 23:23:09 UTC
I think it's perfectly ok to only be bisexual with older slightly geeky British men. It hardly even counts, does it ( ... )


mammothluv July 22 2010, 18:33:26 UTC
Yes. Older British men are obviously a special kind of sexy that transcends sexual orientation. Thank you for agreeing with me on this.

I'd totally come to your head-patting psychology practice! What with your WWTHD poster and all the hugging and head-patting, I'm sure I'd feel very at home and relax and all my issues would be cured.

Ok, maybe I just want to see an orgy at Bradfield CID.
It was only a matter of time before it came to this. We've been on a slippery slope that was leading straight to a Bradfield CID orgy for a long while now.

Yeah, I just jumped right to established relationship flirting but I do adore the idea that they'd send semi-flirty or just random e-mails before they were together too. In fact, I love it. They'd both secretly live for the e-mails but try to act all casual about it. Dorks.

(Are we back on the masturbation fixation again? How does this keep happening?)
See what I said about the slippery slope?


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