So CHARIS, crochet an aquarium she posted, with pics she posted. Then there was pinterest, then ther e was a cute Octopus, then, then, then, waaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Sat in the garden with a doggy foot rest listening to my audio book and crocheting. Meet my new glasses holder. Showing his fluffy hair then in better light doing his duty of glasses guarding :)
My weight-watchers group are doing a meet, five of us are meeting up this weekend *excited* I thought it'd be nice to make a little something for people - not sure if it's a sappy thing to do? anyhow, pinteterest - do I need to say it? I NEED to make one of these for me:
Crochet Kindle case in Aubergine, Raspberry and Pistachio (paler in the pic) as thems the colours I had. Used a cut of under-laminate underlay for the lining which I've not sewn in yet.