Jun 03, 2008 18:37
The emptying walls and growing move clutter is making me a bit claustrophobic. :P Well, moreso, lol. Bleh. But packing up things that aren't being actively used is just practical. You'd think empty walls would make me feel *less* claustrophobic, but it doesn't.
In good news, Habitat for Humanity does furniture pick-ups! So that's where the furniture we're not taking with us is going. :D That feels very good, and we can schedule a pick-up when we're much closer to heading north.
Ma-tsu has her last appointment with our fantabulous vet. She'll be getting her stitches out before we go. The original plan was to wait till she shed, but since it's apparent she's not gonna do that till she's good and ready we need to get them out now.
There's something about cardboard boxes. The rabbits are excited, Bowie even doing binkies. All fuzzies like cardboard boxes. There was even a cardboard box in the lion pit at the zoo. Bowie binkied* around the boxes. Daphne is chinning* everything and putting her paws up on stuff inspecting it, and Unut is being Unut. They like the cardboard maze, even if it stresses mommy out. ;P Daphne especially is very into the packing thing. She's like a fuzzy little supervisor.
*For those not rabbit savvy; a binky is a bunny hop-skip of joy. When a rabbit binkies, it means they're *very* happy. Chinning is kinda like when a cat rubs their head on something to claim it, except rabbits do it with their chins. It roughly translates into "mine" or "I'll eat this later".