Well wouldn't you know it a hotel we stayed at in Birmingham got transported to the Discworld for the bank holiday weekend.
: Arrived at the hotel and whilst checking in bumped into none other than
mrs_tribble who didn't recognise me straight away seeing as she's used to seeing me as a feegle dumped stuff in room and started on the con stuff starting with the COMPULSORY REGISTRATION which is fun as I always bump into a friend who I first met in 2002 and get to catch up with only at the cons.This year there was sects instead of guilds and cue the jokes/mis-pronunciation. Then game the fun game of hunt the rooms as there was more of them and also they'd moved Sator square. Missed a few bits but had fun catching up with friends andmaking new ones before the opening ceremony which was great complete with the bar fight from colour of magic. Terry and Rob's bedtime stories was fun with Rob reading from the upcoming release of Dodger, which when asked to introduce it Terry said 'It's a book, wot I wrote.' Then I had to get ready as somehow I'd found myself continuing the ancient tradition of 'Once more with feeling' but I had a nice surprise as the burlesque dancers were still there when I walked in pervert Feegle is happy Feegle. After a drink in the bar it was still fairly early but bed was calling and so around 1:30 I was asleep.
Mmmmm breakfast nice big fry up. Spent a lot of the day wandering around chatting, drinking and spending time in the games room playing a new game from backspindle games that they're developing and was the first winner of it so yay me. More chatting to friends missing stuff I wanted to do but such is life and more fun that way. Played live Guards Guards which involved running walking quickly around the hotel finding the great spells and other fun things only got second but that was actually a good thing as no room for the prize. Then the maskerade where
tinkerbell1980 was a goddess of love and did some wonderful singing. No prize but we're working on something for next con and as usual Pat Harkin was quacked at but did have some signs to get us to make different animal noises. Then came the hedgehog party, complete with the usual singing, dancing, eating and drinking, but with a slight twist this time there was skittles vodka (delicious) and alien brain haemorrhages (oh dear god why?) wandered off to bed at some point but no hangover the next morning so again yay me
A later breakfast just to stop the shakes as no alcohol allowed quite that early then wandering around chatting, gaming, random stuff before the auction one sore arm later (Tal likes trying to rip it out of its socket if there's something she really wants) I'm £57 lighter but got some nice things, including some soap from the seamstresses guild (wrapped in plain paper). More gaming and wandering before the watch team interview where we found out that there's going to be a TV series based on the watch and also a TV movie of Good Omens MAJOR SQUEEEEEEEES from everyone only downside is having to wait. No gala dinner this time but had fun at the games including cabbage carrying (20 for me) before a newer tradition that I started last con of Dr Horribles sing-a-long blog cue more singing followed by another showing of Buffy as some were complaining they'd missed the start then as we didn't have to leave the room, someone had brought the music videos from the Guild web show. This now means I have to show them as well next time or bad things will happen. Then to the bar for drinking and talking about various random things before bed
The day we all hate the final day. This of course involves the usual checking everything has been packed, checking out and putting the bags away safely. Activities included the end of the sects competition (questions, slalom with an idol and a tug-o-war cue fun and laughter. Then came the play which was as usual excellent many thanks to
khitomer et al. Then the closing ceremony with the usual prizes being given out speeches and thanks given. Then a handover of the position of chair from Brian Nisbet to Dr. Hix. Then the usual hour saying goodbye to friends both old and new before heading to London for 2 nights and then home