
May 26, 2009 20:31 just an exam.  And all I have to do is stay calm, read over my notes once in full, the  write down the cases I recall and brief keywords as a memory jog before I stop working for the night.  Then I can just tab my statute, take a bath, call my mam and go to sleep.  I'll get up tomorrow morning, early, flick over my keyword case prompts once, go downstairs, get some breakfast, get dressed, ensure I have my pens, uni I.D., statute book, make sure I've been potty like a good girl, walk to my exam, sit down, write the stuff I know about the four topics I choose to answer on for 45 minutes each, then, when everyone is agreed that 3 hours are up, I calmly leave the exam hall and come back to my room.
Nothing difficult about that. 
I am calm.  I will remain calm.  It's a lovely day and nothing will go wrong tomorrow.  Everything is going to be fine. 
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