Resulting Trusts...

May 23, 2009 11:17 'em?  You probably do.  In fact, you probably create trusts all the time without even noticing!  How cool and creepy is THAT!? 
On a daily basis YOU, yes YOU, are interfacing with one of the most complex legal concepts ever devised and you don't even realise it.  
SO.  AWESOME.  Lemmee hear ya say 'AWESOME'  A-W-E-S-O-M-E! 
Oh yes. 
You also frequently generate constructive trusts.  In fact, you probably do this more often even than Resulting Trusts.  And they are even more complex!  How amazing!  People have such an endless capacity for creating hugely complicated rules, simply by wanting things to work a certain way.  And that is what I do-study the rules that most people want to govern their actions so that things turn out the way they intended them to, and not any other way.
God law is SO cool.

Like, I'm not even joking. I generated a resulting trust last night with Julz and Josh.  So easily done, but now it is governed by some of the most difficult and complex legal rules in the world.  How amazing PLEASE?!  And it took about ten seconds to make.  Fascinating stuff.

Yeah okay, I'm done jizzing all over law. 
Exams are soon. 
I think the madness is setting in.
The medics and Natsci's are currently in the final fourty minutes of their first exam. (yes, on a saturday. I know, Cambridge is SICK). 
I hope it is going well...path, or human repro.  Pip and Liam and Henry: keep them in your thoughts/prayers. 
And good luck for your exams/revision guys!

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