I have a huge file on my computer where I save all my favorites, since I can't possibly use them all at once...which is why unfortunatly a lot of my icons go uncredited, because by the time I decide to add them to the rotation I've forgotten where I got them.
I put the name of the iconmaker in the filename itself so I remember. Of course, I didn't think of that for quite some time, so I have a bunch that came from who knows where...
When I have extra or switch them out, I have a folder for them, ones that are new, old ones I've switched out..with the name I give them and the artist that made them so when I upload I can just copy instead of typing it in, yes, I'm that lazy.
I've always been a "Want. Take. Have." kind of iconmaker. I don't demand credit or comments, but it's nice.
When I take icons, I save the image under the iconmaker's name so when I do upload it, I remember who made it and give credit. I save them on my HD and once its made its rounds, I delete it.
Ugh...I hate iconmakers who link to their "leave a comment" page. I mean...seriously? Are you that desperate for approval from a bunch of people you don't even know? :/
I tend to link people to posts rather than sharing icons directly, unless it's something someone has specifically asked me if they can take in which I just tell them I didn't make it and it was shareable and just make sure you credit the original maker.
If I see an icon I like on someone's lj I tend to trail back through the makers journal so I can find it myself and see what other stuff they have. I always try to comment to let people know I'm taking, even if it's a really old post. With those icons I don't upload straightaway, or those I keep hold of I always save the maker's name into the filename so if I re-upload I can credit again.
Comments 53
When I have extra or switch them out, I have a folder for them, ones that are new, old ones I've switched out..with the name I give them and the artist that made them so when I upload I can just copy instead of typing it in, yes, I'm that lazy.
When I take icons, I save the image under the iconmaker's name so when I do upload it, I remember who made it and give credit. I save them on my HD and once its made its rounds, I delete it.
If I see an icon I like on someone's lj I tend to trail back through the makers journal so I can find it myself and see what other stuff they have. I always try to comment to let people know I'm taking, even if it's a really old post. With those icons I don't upload straightaway, or those I keep hold of I always save the maker's name into the filename so if I re-upload I can credit again.
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