WOW!! I don't pay much attention to this site, do I? LOL. Well, for more up to date info, find me at or join CherryTap at and I'll be the one before you in the referral list. Add me as a friend, folks!
Enyhooooooo...I been doin OK. My net's gonna get cut probably, I don't have my rent that's due TODAY, well, what the fuck ever. Goddess shall provide, eh? Been spending a lot of time at Club Noc-Noc these days and meeting a bunch of interesting folks. Gotten back into being a Dom, enjoying that a great deal as always. Living in an expensive ass apartment in West Seattle, FINALLY got over Ashleigh enough that I can be OK with looking for another woman to be mine all mine and to love and cherish forever, preferrably one who likes to be tied up and! Still living with Angie, who has proven to be the best friend anyone could ever ask for (well, besides the whole hasn't got any money for rent and I've been pretty active in the Our Lady Of The Earth And Sky monthly get-togethers ( Oh yeah! I got my LEGAL ordainment after all these years! I am now Reverend Jason Cryer of the Universal Life Church! How about them apples? I can now legally marry folks! Now I just need a good woman to marry ME! Heh heh heh. Well, that's all I gots for ya right now! Be well, family, and may the schwartz be with you!
Love N hugs,
Feather the Bizzare )O(